I think a footnote is in order for WYTS 2015 Jets edition.
I think a footnote is in order for WYTS 2015 Jets edition.
Pretty sure we are the leading nation in spoiled kids
Biggest surprise of this whole story, the kid was not American.
“I had too much to drink and sent inappropriate texts..”
Perhaps true but how many times have we seen guys take the buyout but say crap like “I’m sorry I was misunderstood” or similar deflection? It does not excuse him but it makes him better than those others & potentially salvageable if he can learn from this. I am not a fan of the guy & I met him more than once; I won’t…
You can’t just strip the Mets of that title, it’s like their only title this millennium.
How is LOLNiners not a Deadspin category yet?
I view it as progress that the only thing I’m unsure of here is what the hell “peeped the lettuce” means.
Tom — tax guy here. I’d need to see more detail on the financials, and I don’t do tax-exempts, like, ever, but I suspect that this may be a presentation issue the accountants for the Cardinals have decided on for some reason.
CPA here. (Full disclosure- also a Reds fan, and I hate the Cardinals). I know that the way this article is framed up makes it look really bad, but I want to call out a few points, because I really don’t think this is anything to get alarmed about.
Here is a mystery: Cardinals Care, the official charity of the St. Louis Cardinals, is making hundreds of thousands…
Though, if you think about, the judge is not wrong. I mean, what the hell kind of jurisdiction does Minnesota have on a complaint that happened in New York?
Congrats! Honestly, I would ask to get out the grays, but I have a bad temper and sometimes I say mean things. Nobody needs to see me lose my shit XKCD style and call someone the offspring of a velociraptor’s cancerous grundle sweat.
If the rest of your comments are as good as this one... we the reader are FUCKED.
I’m owning up to it.
The pulchritude of that face must get on his nerves. It’s like he walked out of a Raphael painting—he’s just beautiful.
I dunno, I think what they said on Deadcast about the whole “tightening the budget” thing being bullshit is pretty true. They still pay Broussard, Stephen A. Smith, Bayless, and like 80 NFL guys to pretty much be useless. The firing of Simmons wasn’t really about his salary (it probably played a role) but about him…
He didn’t use his influence on the president. That’s kind of the point. The guy tried to get Geithner to abuse his connections and he didn’t, so he ran off crying to Gawker.
Wow, this public outing thing is really blowing up for Gawker. Hope Deadspin doesn’t get screwed too after providing such gems as the Manti Te’o saga.