President FoxyJ

Thank you! He really is 😁

Shelter Cat Update!

Hello internet friends!

What have you made?? I didn’t get up to anything too picture worthy this week. I made a quiche, which I think you really need to be a professional food photographer to make eggs dishes look good, but the method was very interesting. You mix one of the eggs with some flour, mix until smooth, then mix in the rest of

Shelter Cat Update!

It is absolutely frigid here today, like praying to the car battery gods, please start cold. So, the obvious solution is to not leave the house and bake some bread, then leave the oven door open. I think I finally cracked it, this was as good as the bread from a restaurant we used to go on day trips to New York. The

Thank you all so much for your kind words and thoughts. I’ve been quiet about Nick’s passing for a lot of reasons. There’s still a lot of stigma around overdosing and mental illness, and I’m working through it.

Shelter Catstravaganza!

Very hard day today.

I think I can safely say it’s been more than two decades since I’ve had a hotpocket, and I feel comfortable forgoing the molten lava cheese. And did those cardboard sleeves you microwaved them in actually do anything?

Shelter Catstravaganza!

People are the worst.

Dinner in first class on the Titanic involved 13 courses, every night. Get the hell away from me with the food!

Shelter Cat Update!