
Oh man! I have to ask... did you and she ever talk about how her sister, or at least the painting, looked like you? And if that freaked her out when she saw that you were roommates?

I was sure it would be that a huge peal of laughter followed “she died,” because emotions and disorienting and sometimes that happens.

This is what I thought of, from Catcher in the Rye -

Lately I feel like everything is already ripped from one or the other L&O franchise, it sucks.

AAAARGGHHHH rage rage rage I hate Quiznos’ existence so much BECAUSE of those fucking nightmare ads. That, and the fact that any lunch meeting “catered” by Quiznos makes the entire building smell like onion farts for a week. Like if an onion ate a stale onion and got terrible gas.

I can’t either WTF? In the late 1980s when I was afraid of it and didn’t want it, my friends were always tripping balls. It seemed like the moment I got a taste for it my access to it vanished.

Amen. Forced kookiness or awkwardness or annoyingness is a slappable offense. Similar to what you said about her friends having a talk with her, I said this to a friend of mine (actually my ex husband, I don’t generally talk to my friends like this) recently about a long-term irritating behavior that he thinks is

Right!? I hooked up with a guy who had STRENGTH tattooed across his lower abdomen in gothic letters, and it took me aback just because the guy had such a baby face and that was his only ink. If he had taken off his shirt to that lion I would have left in hysterics.

Here’s to good luck and health to both of us! I’m a radical red HEAD so we have that in common too. :-*

UGH what?? I lived in DC (proper!) for 10 years (1980s-90s) and thank goodness I never heard that. dreadful

I agree, with all. I also wanted to come back and say that I was unintentionally cocky saying “recovered,” mentally I never will be. I recently had to quit drinking for health reasons (self-inflicted ones...just drank way too much all the time nonstop) and it’s so frustrating, like, can I have a healthy relationship

It’s weird, it triggers my annoyance response but not an ED response. I guess that’s why I participate in it without feeling bad, just rankled at the terminology that’s chosen. Like I feel like it’s more lazy or irresponsible than offensive. I am generally one of the most laid back people ever. And also lazy, which is

I’m genuinely curious, as a recovered bulimic/anorexic myself, the only thing like that that kind of gets on my nerves is “binge-watching/reading/etc.” Am I the only one? It doesn’t stop me from watching every Law and Order Binge-a-Thon on the WE channel, but I think it’s a stupid/gross term.

I watched that shit Three Guys and a Girl for my man. Another forever crush.

I live in a very working class area in Texas, so mostly no, thank goodness. The people who wanted Honest (heh) products were from Back East though, and their kids had moderately stupid names! Most of the people I clean for are families with young kids where both of the parents work, or older people who are now looking

I am a cleaning lady. Cleaner is who gets rid of dead bodies.

Lol. I am a cleaning lady and there is nothing less satisfying than cleaning a house with “clean” products. *Especially* a home with little kids in it.

Jesse reminds me of Shazam from the 1970s

That blog is the shit!

You and your chicken are easy on the eyes!