
My dad’s family is from there and both of my parents (separately) live there now. If I moved back to the East Coast I would move there.

Do you live with my ex-husband? That would be weird.

I can only ever think of it as a dressing for saltines, myself, eaten while waiting for inedible entreesat this shitty restaurant my bosses used to drag us to. I never need to eat it again.

Same - I didn’t want anyone, especially famous people, to look thinner than I did.

I lived in an apartment complex with a lot of shift workers and those fuckers would remote start their huge trucks and leave them running for 30+ minutes while they got ready for work, no matter what time it was. I’m not kidding, echoed through a parking courtyard that shit sounded like a small airport in the wee

I can never have a toaster oven because my husband is convinced that they all start fires.

Cocteau’s La Belle et la Bete, and Orphee, made my college years. Ah oui, le surrealisme!

I always get Maxwell and D’Angelo confused too. I can never remember which one is in the iconic pic/video from the 90s with his shirt off and the big afro. Both?

STFU I just e-mailed to someone: “is Ed Sheeran our next Zooey Deschanel?” shudder

I never did! I only met the other guy a few times, he was very nice. He was very down to earth and his son, who had just gotten out of the Army, insisted on calling him “sir” all the time which made him roll his eyes. Now that kid is a story for a thread about some other kind of weirdo...

I was amused to see Jim Vance’s name here. He’s like 1000 years old. Fun fact, I used to date the son of one of his longtime co-anchors.

Hooray, my faves collide. So much love for Josh

I went home with a guy once who had a real medium-school camera (like not “stag film,” more like “wedding videographer”) set up on a tripod in his closet, so if you opened the closet door, it was right there pointed at the bed. He showed it to me like “hey how about it!” and once I said I wasn’t interested, he shut

OMG Shawshank Redemption. “I guess I just miss my friend.” crying now. A few days a week in the wee hours while I’m the only one up (like now) I’ll squeeze out a big silent ugly cry and then be ready to start the day. Just cause. So thanks, this will be it for the day!

I wear one because even though I’m a red head and shouldn’t tan, it is VERY VERY IMPORTANT for me to have a tan line somewhere. I buy ones that I won’t feel bad about throwing out, I rarely spend more than $30. My current one is a Timex from Target. I had to go all-analog with hands after a while because any digital

Or when they try to stick their finger in your butt, out of nowhere. That always makes me jump

Ha I Googled her too to see where she was from, and all those red carpet pics! She does look miserable. Beautiful and uncomfortable.

Yeah, my thought at that tweet was that you could insert anything about him before the “who cares!?”.

This is a LITTLE different, but the last time my previous car died on me, I smoked a bowl while I was waiting for the tow truck. It was on a back road in the middle of nowhere, I could see anyone coming from miles around. Why not?

Having been drugged and assaulted, I can say that people who do this generally know exactly how to do what they’re doing, but they must need some practice...and you don’t always know how people will react to any given combo.