
Starred because I came here looking for that particular term of abuse. I spent a wild night in Fredneck with my friend who worked at the Ground Round there. I remember my other friends and I stopping at a ferret show that appeared out of nowhere, either on the way there from or back to DC.

I was 3 when my little brother was born, and the day he came home from the hospital I “tripped” going down the stairs and broke my arm. (I threw myself and my doll high chair down the stairs for the attention, is what happened.) We’re cool now but I resented his existence until we were teenagers.

Andy Richter, having said that I haven’t seen his in months

That pic of the two of him ALMOST RUINED MY MORNING

I hope your profile pic reflects this

I loved that show sooooooo much. My husband and I used to watch it like crackheads. I loved loved LOVED the little sister who was so mortified by every single thing her mom and sister and sister’s hot friend said and did. They were like “and for your sweet 16, we’ll have a pole that WE can dance on” and the little

If I had kids I would tell them, when you hear someone use the term “make love,” challenge them to a gun fight.

You know these guys think Tucker Max is the coolest guy in the world

Same here - I got that article online w my subscription and could barely get as far as I did. In fact, I closed the window, thinking “Jezebel will tell me all I need to know about the rest of this very soon.”

Whom among us can forget the Slenderalls commercials with the “dink! dink!” sound effect at the end?

Goonies, Caddyshack, Titanic

I dated a guy who lived with a bunch of guys in a house with a central vacuum system. I asked, “so, you guys put your dicks in the holes in the walls while the suction’s on, right? Sometimes?” I couldn’t understand why none of them would even answer my question.

If anyone runs into Seth McFarlane, do something terrible to him and tell him Foxy J sent ya...

High school class of 1987 and YOU GUYS I STILL LOVE DRAKKAR NOIR SO MUCH. i almost cried with joy when it was revealed as Dennis’ scent on Always Sunny. perfect.

Me too! I have to google him every time (I already forgot) but I come here for the hate on EDM and on him because he seems to deserve it and nobody else delivers it like Ellie

One million trillion stars for your gif this is my favorite shot in any movie ever and i get a tingly feeling waiting for its moment while I watch Trading Places every year while I put up my Christmas tree

I can dig that. I actually do cook stuff I’m not crazy about just because it’s fun to see what to do with it. I would put the mayo with jalapeno flakes on my french fries. OK now this thread is making me hungry.

This one, for me. Wings are something that I can’t believe people eat on purpose, let alone get excited about, let alone devote restaurants to. Mmmmm...bones, skin and little hairs drowning in ketchup mixed with vinegar. More for the trufans.

I remain one of two people I know who admit to still being Bush fans and I did buy their new record. And I guess with all the Rossdale haaaaaaaate I won’t have to wait too long for my I-don’t-care-who-was-here-before bang because I always would, in a second.

That’s what I think when I hear people ordering a coffee with more than a couple of things - that they’re doing it to be a pain in the ass and that they probably don’t know what half of that shit is and just overheard someone else ordering something fancy-sounding. And then probably decided to one-up whatever they