D. Foxx

I really enjoyed these books. Never saw Will Smith as Nick Cooper.  I really hope they fix his character.

But he’s Mike Loooowry, King Dingaling!

Beyond anything else, this is a fully cg BLACK character.  Which is a whole different level of difficulty in making believable because black skin is completely different lighting-wise, to the point where they were likely writing entirely new shaders and algorithms for this, because it just.  Doesn’t follow the same

I mean, this is Weta we’re talking about. Their CGI character work in Alita was so good that I never got pulled out of the scene thinking about it. If they’re saying this is next level for them, I think it’s going to be phenomenal.

If this works out, it could also revolutionize the porn industry (for better and worse).

The effect is really well done and believable. I think one of the reasons for that is they didn’t try to put a digital mask over another actor’s face. We are so attuned to tiniest movement and expression in a person’s face that we aren’t even aware of it. By mapping over his actual expressions, it maintains a natural,

Even with Dumbo tanking I’d still lay odd this will succeed. Dumbo was almost 80-years old, whereas this is only 30, so it’s first audience is still part of ticket-buying public. Also, musical. #NostalgiaCash

I don’t want to stray too far from what it is that you expect from Disney

No I was being serious.

As useless as this remake is, I don’t get all the hate it’s getting before it’s released. The clip seemed fine, it was exactly what I was expecting. It doesn’t have Robin Williams-energy but it has Will Smith-energy. Smith’s never been a hyper motormouth, he tries for low-key cool.

I’m not the intended audience for

Goddammit, the movie can be a fiasco for all I care, but that “a whole new world” sequence won me over.

I’m getting more and more on board with this as they keep revealing more.  Which comes as a shock to me with my initial reaction to the very first Genie reveal being such a “NOPE!”

Yes, I do. I was shocked by the face I saw in Bright. But I do admit what made it shocking was the fact it’d been basically the same for 30 years.

Sort of adding to what dragonfliet says, I also agree it’s dumb logistically, but I think the secrecy is really part of the marketing. It’s a way to build hype.

You’re right that for many/most the spoiler isn’t a problem, but you’re missing out on how much FUN the secrecy is for people. They want to dig, they want to pry information out, they want the whole spectacular of the reveal. It’ll either be a surprise reveal in the actual movie, or it will be the hard-won reveal of

Who will I root for?  I like Will Smith.  Then again, I like Will Smith.

It’s not going to be the Aladdin we know and love. This is very much something different. But the spirit seems to be there, and that’s incredibly important.

I’m fine with it. Too often in fantasy/sci-fi, people of color are cast as characters of, well, color but blue or green.

This is a weird criticism considering everyone was pissed at “blue Will Smith” in the first trailer.

As shitty as that first movie is and as shitty as Will Smith’s acting choices has been...