D. Foxx

I still don’t know what you mean by “zero fan fare”. What were you expecting? It’s from a franchise with movies that haven’t made 300 million dollars...yet. This isn’t some huge phenomenon of a franchise. The feedback to this trailer has been pretty big considering the kind of movie this is. Bad Boys 1 & 2 were in the

“Zero fan fare”? What are you talking about? It was trending on twitter and was #2 on YouTube? There are people obviously excited for it. And idk what you mean that it was a “horribly cut trailer” it was pretty good compared to other trailers out there. This will obviously be a box office hit. It comes out in January,

The whole point of this movie was just really to be innovative, nobody really thought two different actors wouldn’t work. Although, movies like Looper succeeded on story and performance, because JGL looked really weird as a young Bruce, so that aspect is probably what wouldn’t work in this case. Looper probably was a

Jeez, you people are still complaining about that? Get over it. It’s been like 6 years. Plus, his son is pretty talented and has done more for the world than you’ll ever do in your life

He won’t look 50 in Bad Boys 3 though lol.

That GIF of swapping the “old” with the “new” looks legit. I also think it’s pretty cool that Will Smith can express that degree of emotion while looking like a damn fool with that mo-cap helmet on lol.

He looks 50 in Bright because of that mustache lol, but look at him with a goatee and the man looks the same as he did in Bad Boys 2 which was 16 years ago. Hell he doesn’t even look close to 50 in Focus.

Sour word of mouth? I guess you didn’t hear about the positive reactions after all the recent screenings. Or the fact that there’s positive reception since the official trailer and tv spots. Also, the guy who wrote this article tweeted that he enjoyed this movie. This won’t flop at all, itll do way better than Solo.

You guys are trying way too hard to want to dislike this remake. After they released 10 really good tv spots, you all get this 1 minute clip and act like it’s the worst thing in the world. This is what happens when you TRY to compare it to the original too much. For all we know, the rest of the scene is probably more

Or maybe you simply dont care about spoilers and dont like to experience things the way they should be experienced....? You may not be a whiny bitch about spoilers, but you still sound like a whiny bitch

Yeah, but youre not considering the person who said it. The clone was the one trying to fathom the concept. So of course he’d seem like a dumbass, but in reality, you’re the dumbass for assuming a clone would automatically know he was cloned lol.

Yeah it started in February, but they’re back in New York filming this week.

Except he was saying Will Smiths face hasn’t changed in 30 years.

lol he doesn’t even look 50 in Bright. That mustache didnt help though. So obviously you don’t think he looks 50, if you think his face looks the same 30 years ago haha

The CG work looks a lot better in this. The visuals overall look polished and cleaner, especially Genie. But even the design of the carpet and Abu look great. This is definitely shaping up to be better than the first teasers led it to be. I can already tell Will Smith and the music will be the shining moments in the

The CG work looks a lot better in this. The visuals overall look polished and cleaner, especially Genie. But even the design of the carpet and Abu look great. This is definitely shaping up to be better than the first teasers led it to be. I can already tell Will Smith and the music will be the shining moments in the

shows how much Will Smith has barely shown any aging’s literally mentioned in the first few seconds of the trailer....

Probably because they’re actually still filming this movie and aren’t trying to showcase too much until filming is complete.

You really think Will Smith looks 50? lol He looks older in I Am Legend and that was in 2007