
That would have been my choice from these four nominees. Two of the games were incremental updates, one's mechanics as a shooter (Infinite) weren't that good, and Metro at least mixed the shooter genre with RPG management to make something different.


I'm completely fine with the Doctor's regenerations going past 12 as long as they explain it. I mean, the Master is somewhere around regeneration 16 at this point and every time there have been reasons why he was able to go beyond the 12.

Now playing

I see your Green Hills Zone and raise you Bloody Tears.

Now playing

His Sonic Green Hill Zone whips so much ass

Jet Black ? really ?

The last man on earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock at the door.

Please bring Smash back for Evo 14!!

It's Freddie Wong's work and based on that VGHS Season 1 is pretty much what you'd expect from him.

The writing is kind of cheesey but it doesn't take itself to seriously. Of course the special effects are fantastic. There are a few well known youtube personalities in it too that play their parts well.

Season 1 is not

The last match where Justin Wong resets the bracket in Grand Finals probably has to be my favorite Evo moment.

Awesome to see Martian Manhunter. We already have a Green Lantern, but I like this re skin and new voice so I'm glad it's not a full character as that would be a wasted opportunity.

The best part of both is Carl Lumby and Phil Lamarr reprising their roles as the characters from Justice League/JLU. So excited, MM looks amazing!

It was decent by itself. Subpar as a Godzilla movie.

My god. I love your voice...