
This game is what got me into JRPGs to begin with. The visuals were stunning when I played it and the story was deep enough without being miserably confusing. The characters and their dragoons getting remade nowadays would be amazing!

The only other game I would want remade would be Legend of Legaia. The visuals were


There’s nothing in it for him to apologize. He’d have to break character, and that character made him rich. It’s not like anyone who is outraged by this is going to subscribe if he says he regrets what he did.

I always say this is one of the many, many failings of Mass Effect Andromeda. First game in the series to go open world, and it generally went something like this:

Truffle oil is disgusting. Its just aromatics and other gross synthetic stuff designed to smell like truffle...with no actual truffle inside.

I hope one of his fatalities is putting the other fighter into a sleeping bag and starts bashing it against the tree like in Jason X.

Black hole sun

Is there anyone who wouldn't look menacing if you shaved them bald, told them to pose for a mugshot photo, and then shot them in high contrast black & white?

It's fine. Not the best by any means, but it gets the job done well.

Satan's little sitdown talk with Stan was awesome.

That's Nintendo this E3.

No Nye? :(


Ha a new Legend of Dragoon is pretty far fetched. It has been a long ass time, and many people have wanted the game for a while. Everytime I check up on any plans for the game Sony states "they would be interested in another LOD".

Concrete release date for Last Guardian.

I can promise that a Namco Character will be announced for the roster for Smash Bros, my money is on Pac-man.

Mirror's Edge 2

Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars Star Wars

First thing I thought was "Das a big Twinkie..."

As soon as i saw the Twinkies in the pic i just: