
It's respectable that Kotaku is trying reach out with open arms to the gamer communities by asking for positive news tips. Unfortunately, 95% of the time it's exactly as you described, Stephen: people just don't call in tips for happy stories.

He could play the president....

Sorry, Once Upon a Time. There is no Rufio but Rufio.

We live in an amazing, amazing time.

It's not bricked....Jesus would people who keep using that buzz word please go and actually look up the definition of a bricked device.....It's basically called a brick because it does nothing like a brick....You can't power it on into safe mode because if it's actually bricked it doesn't get any power whatsoever.

"Want something new? How about Mario!"

Hit update on my PS3 ... decided to kill some time by reading kotaku...

Updated PS3 before reading this post

[Success Kid]

Adapters, you say? Screw moving on! ;)


Now playing

I think this is it here, but I could be wrong.

Someone already posted this, but I think it's appropriate to repost:

From Nerfnow.

Wow, huge fail here, Nintendo. At least put it in areas with a sizable population. Kissimmee? Pensacola? Gainsville?! Are you kidding me? Put one in CFL you dimwits.

Now playing

I thought the full image was already leaked in the non-blurry version of the video.

I didn't even know you could use tilting on the balance beams. Sounds like that is way more annoying than the control stick. Don't know if you got to this really long balance beam in either the C or D mansions, but that one took me several tries to get through.

Obviously, the mayor would be Adam West. Or was that Adam We?