Foxtrot Echo

Podophobic — if your office doesn’t have a dress code, then you need to mind your own fucking business. I mean, I have plenty of opinions about how people should dress at work. Most of them are stupid and I keep them to myself. They include:

No bare feet

Bone china just means there is bone ash in the clay mix. Porcelain refers to the historic use of pig bones. I am on board for some of this. The paper cup for my pencils or paintbrushes is EXACTLY my wheelhouse.

There was a really great BBC documentary about modelling agencies who recruit from Siberia and then ship the kids off to Asia for months in dodgy circumstances - it’s the third episode of Reggie Yates’ Extreme Russia, ‘Teen Model Factory’.

Sure but if you were Joe Jonas you probably wouldn’t need a costume to not get recognized.

1) This is not a huge deal and white people should be less mad about it. pretty fucking cool. Raising awareness in any venue at any time IMO is welcome.

Her concern isn’t for the suspect - it’s for innocent people who look like and are sometimes dangerously conflated with the suspect by angry, ignorant assholes who have been emboldened over this past year to express their feelings in ways that actually hurt, and have killed, innocents.

Justin is certainly a much better person. He would be a better boyfriend, too.

Every time I see you comment on terrorism articles you’re being a contrarian looking to pick fights with multiple people. We’re all upset about this stuff. Maybe it’d be a good idea to process your feelings in your own comment thread?

That’s because you’re a white guy who lives in PA. So it’s very easy for you to clutch your pearls and say you’re only thinking of the victims as you won’t be a backlash victim yourself.

It’s not a competition. People can be feeling lots of things at once. I know we’re all upset and angry, but let’s not turn it on each other while we’re all still just trying to sort things out.

What is the point of carrying around “imitation firearms”?

Yeah, but doesn’t your iPhone get all wet?

Said it on Twitter, I’ll say it here:

How are you not in the greys? Nobody has to hold themselves to “racial norms” whatever the hell you mean by that. We can all make our own identity. We’re all free to be, act, and dress however we want. There’s no such thing as a racial norm.

“social justice warriors”.

It’s interesting that you are so very “open” as people are explaining to you why they don’t like being called exotic and yet, down here you are telling someone that if they take it negatively it’s on them. Come on dude.

I can think of at least one guy who finds Ivanka to be totally fuckable...

Occam’s Razor: If two things are functionally the same, the simpler of the two is better.