Foxtrot Echo

Not noses, but on strong features generally, my daughter’s father is indian and at 4 months old she already has a stunning set of eyebrows that connect in the middle. They are my favourite part of her gorgeous face and I’m terrified that she’ll grow up around peers and adults who will make her feel negatively about

Look, far be it from me to decide what is an appropriate collector’s item for an adult man, but this,Then at night, Briggs or another maid used a diagram to put the teddy bears in their designated positions around the room” sounds disturbingly like he was playing with them every day, requiring them to be put back

It is and it isn’t. It’s a dumb hair to split because it’s still a stupid thing to say to someone on the Internet, or in person, and is indicative of how awful fandoms can be. But a threat to kill (online or offline) is a criminal offence. Hoping someone chokes on food is not.

Although not as cringe inducing as Paul Hollywood’s handshake, or his general belief that he’s the main character, Prue’s catchphrase jars every time. Particularly as Channel 4 market themselves as progressive, inclusive and aimed at a younger audience. It seems strange that no one in production has had a word 

Having been here, as I know many have, for over a decade, the drop in comments has been the one thing that has made me think about migrating elsewhere. I’m in the UK, and the article content isn’t always relevant to me, but I always want to jump to the comments. My first baby is due at the start of October, so I think

You do seem to hear a lot more grooming rumours around her than others (maybe it just feels that way). I wonder if predators come out of the woodwork when they get wind of someone who they think is easier to get to. Also makes you wonder about her team and why these things weren’t shut down at the start, if just from

The baby bar is just one step in a completely legitimate process of getting a legal qualification. 

The cutesy look is a particular bug bear of mine as a currently pregnant individual. I didn’t wear bows before getting knocked up, and I don’t intend to do so now. Stop trying to wrap my middle like a christmas gift

My now husband and my’s second date lasted a grand 42 hours. We met for a drink after work on a Friday and chatted non stop all evening. We went back to his, and when we woke up in the morning he suggested breakfast, so we stopped at a place on the way to the tube station. I was totally inappropriately dressed, as it

THANK YOU. Autoplay is annoying at the best of times, but I can’t event have this playing out of the corner of my eye!

Are you familiar with the British tabloid Wagatha Christie drama of 2019?

Ok, that makes sense. Are there at home tests available to people?

AND for something that is purely optional, (not prive gouging for essential medicines) would a lower price point not encourage more sales?

I do not want to be the UK person jumping in to shame the US medical system, but I just bought (privately, not through the NHS) a box of 20 rapid antigen tests for £150. What on gods earth is the justification for charging over $100 for something that can so easily save lives, and the ex president’s precious economy!

I have a friend with a VERY basic waspy name with a sister whose name is....different. I think they’ve always envied each other.

I really cannot stress how infectious the UK/SA strain is. I’m sure news of it is getting to the US, but at one point a week or so ago, estimates were that 1 in 30 London residents had it. We’re now on lockdown 3 in the UK and this is the first time I have started disinfecting my groceries when I get back from the

I had this exact chat with my husband the other day. While I admire and understand anyone on the left who wants to come out to support Biden and Harris, or stand up to these morons threatening more violence, the best way to do that is from home. Stay away, stay safe, stay healthy, and let these bastards knot their own

I still find the Chopra/Jonas marriage one of the weirdest celebrity pairings of the last couple of years. I just cannot fathom what they talk about. Also, I know it’s sentimental, but I cannot get on board with her wrist tattoo. File it all under “famouses I can’t stand but refuse to stop following”

When I was just a young assistant, my job was predominantly organising networking parties - it wasn’t great work, but I always got to stay overnight, and once the organising was done, I was free to have a drink or two and relax. One summer, I was arranging a rooftop bbq at this swanky boutique hotel, where even the

Fine, I’ll say it, I really like the ring. Its totally impractical and the pearl will need replacing over and over again, but I like the asymmetry. Then again, I also like Emily Ratajkowski’s, so maybe I just love chaos.