Foxtrot Echo

Maybe I’ve met some cool people, but I never had a problem in that regard. One guy went “hmmmmm” and I called it of because it just wasn’t worth it but everyone else I told was totally unfussed. I don’t know if maybe this has anything to do with living and dating in London where people tend to be 1) pretty blase about

I explained slightly better upthread but the hysteria around herpes really bothers me. I’m lucky enough to have an incredibly mild version (HSV1, meant for the face, isn’t ‘happy’ in my pants so I’m essentially asymptomatic) so I understand I speak from massive privilege BUT I think a lot of people implying that a

Agree and disagree. I have HSV1 on my cooter (would love to say I had more fun contracting it!). I agree that I’ve never had much in the way of stigma aimed at me for saying I have cold sores but the second I tell people where they are its grooooooooooooooss. Even to people who have HSV1 themselves. It’s mad

Behold the hobnob. Dunk it in tea, and the concentration it takes to get the balance between chocolate melting and biscuit falling in the mug takes your mind off all the shit in the world.

I can not hear one more *cannot even summon an appropriate adjective right now* argument for more guns. I know I’m pretty much preaching to the choir here and normally I just go “ah republicans” and close the window but no. No. Fuck off.

This is actually making me feel queasy. Please stop.

Can someone explain this to me. I’m in England and, flawed though our police system is (I know - I’ve worked in it), you can’t arrest someone for disturbing class. This guy seems like a schools officer - is he an actual police officer stationed at a school or is he more like security? Surely, if he’s just security,

This happens to me sometimes if I’ve been a bit stressed or really drunk before I fall asleep. I’ll wake up and see things - often bugs - I’ll think there’s loads of flies buzzing round my head. Once I saw a bird cage float across the room and one particularly nasty time I saw two people walking towards me, carrying

Sorry - long post! I have loads of the small stories you get from growing up in old houses but I’ll try to throw some of them together as these all happened in one house.

THIS PLEASE. This morning I actually went back over the last 3 years of Scary Stories posts looking at what date they went live muttering to myself “they’re late where are the stories give me scary stories precious my precious”

I garbled something like this above. She doesn’t look real in the after shot. Not even ‘real’ as in “real women have curves” (bleugh). They’ve made her look like a very slim robot. Which is made even more crazy because she already conforms to pretty much every beauty standard

I almost think that the kind of people you mention and even the most fat-shamey idiots could not disagree with Zendaya there. (I read that back and it makes no sense but my brain can’t write it better!). What I’m saying is, whether you think she is beautiful or not, everything about the unshopped photo is better. The

Agreed, it shouldn’t be offensive if it’s pointed out as a fact - that’s how we all came to know her. But if there’s enough to say about her that she has her own article, they should give her the courtesy of focusing on the things she has going on separate from those men. Particularly after some of the horrible things