Steel Fox

@KirkyX: Really? Because the way I hear it, it takes forever to get any medical treatment in the UK even for life threating situations. And as a result people are flying themselves out to India and other contries at personal expense to get treatment.

@RT100: I agree. There is a dissapointing chance that all these tablets will be comming out just in time for everyone to realize they don't really need or want a tablet device.

@Pony Stark: I thought that was just for the people that REALLY loved thier physically.

@Fractal the Meek: I remember when someone made a fake iPad dock for iPhones tons of people exclaimed that it needed to be made. If you guys are right this is just a non-iPhone version of the same idea.

@I'm@work,shhhhh.: Well they were already paying lucas for the name "Droid", why not take it a step further.

@joe-guy:Him and C-3PO sorta did, it was short lived.

Why do they keep calling this guy a cyborg? He just has a RFID chip under the skin of his hand. To me someone with a prostetic limb is more of a cyborg than this guy.

I kinda expected this to happen much sooner. When the iPad launched I must have seen at least 3 or 4 interviews with a random person in line for one and they each said something to the tune of "I don't even know what I am going to do with it, but I want one." That didn't sound like a device with an entrenched need to

@ChristianDiscer: I hear you. There are so many things wrong with this article. It boggles the mind.

I want Hulu and Netflix. Though I seriously doubt thats what this is going to be about.

@Piledriver: Basicly isn't that 50 beat out 1. Its that as the over all market share shrinks the android OS becomes more attractive to developers. If the trend continues less and less apps will be made for the iPhone to the point that you have the PC vs Mac problem. If/when that happens all the best apps will be made

@somidscr21: With modern phone specs (1.2 Ghz processors with 512mb ram) comming out. I start to wonder if it isn't in microsoft's best interest to drop development on WM7 and see if they can get the kernel for Windows 7 to run on an ARM processor.

I don't see this doing very well, but then again I didn't think the iPad would do real well either. Even if there is much of a market for this thing, those people probably aready bought iPads.

@jacob.kossman: a few days ago there was (gasp) 2 android apps. Both kinda sucked though.

Can't find anything saying how this is transmitted. I'm sure its not in the app store.

Motorola Executive: "People are complaining that Motoblur is crappy and slowing down thier phone. What should we do? How can we fix Motoblur? Should we just stop using it?"

@Arken: I hear you I can't keep wine glasses in the house anymore. I have literally broken a wine glass just by looking at it (ok it probably had more to do with it being from a dollar store and just comming out of some very hot dish water) I pefer to belive that it was just the first manafestation of my amazingly

I can only guess this guy has only experienced the mouth-foaming apple fan boy. The rest of you are all tolerable in small doses.