Steel Fox

Not for me at all. Just watching the first 20 seconds made me nauseous.

I can think of at least one movie and I think there is at least a dozen sci-fi books that could be boiled down to “Geoengineering will DEFINITELY KILL US ALL!”

One of these spoofers was a bit of a problem for my company as they were spoofing numbers out of our directory. Then the people that got called would call us all angry and yell at us to stop spamming them.

Ok convince me. How exactly is the deal weak? What is it missing?

Or supervillans. I am pretty sure this is the origin story for at least 8 different supervillans. Maybe a zombie supervillan.

Its ok, the NSA has them covered.

Well Roy Moore lost. So there is hope. This shit can still be killed in a couple ways. Either by the courts or congress. Admittedly both are thin hope, but it is there. 

X-men is just the beginning. What about all the other Fox IPs that they scuttled before they could be a real thing. Imagine Invader Zim in the hands of Disney.

But what if you flipped that packet on ebay for thousands of dollars?

Here’s a terrible thought what if Zuck actually did decide to jump into the political arena? The amount of leverage he has with facebook would be huge in this day and age. Especially since as far as I know webpages/apps do not have the same legal controls that television does.

A quick read through of the article doesn’t disprove anything. It simply picks some stories out of the dossier and says they are unlikely or ridiculous, but does not provide evidence to the contrary.  

So soon we will need a new word for a vegetarian/vegan that is willing to eat lab grown meat vs one that will not eat any kind of meat.

I wish he was. That was the most coherent/plausible string of tech speak I have read in a long time.

The only real problem I have with most of the VR attempts I have seen lately is the push for room scale VR. I do not have any room in my house that I can play a room scale VR game without punching furniture. Are they just expecting everyone to dedicate a room in their house as a holodeck? I love the idea of room scale

I have to agree. What is the purpose of the Navy in this day an age other than sitting a carrier group off of some county’s boarders and saying “Look at all our boats!” I accept that they might provide a vital function I am not aware of, but what is it?

Nevermind the Rock. At this point a rock would be a better president.

Oh sure, but then you need a circulatory system to keep the heart alive and a set of lungs to oxygenate the blood and another heart to pump blood to the first heart. Then you also probably need a nervous system to regulate the mess. Plus then you got to dispose of two hobo corpses. By then you’d be better off playing

I watched the first episode. It felt like “The office” in space. Not for me. I supposed if you really like “The office” and you like sci-fi you would probably like this. I’ll be watching something else.

This was going to be exactly my comment. I had to stop watching the show after the 3rd season because I couldn’t take the writers making the characters dumb to cause drama.

I would expect Jezebel to be all over this. No Man’s Sky makes it sound like the universe is a lesbian paradise. Or ‘That Sky Belongs to no man, its its own sky, it don’t need no man to belong to.’