Steel Fox

I have to agree. What is the purpose of the Navy in this day an age other than sitting a carrier group off of some county’s boarders and saying “Look at all our boats!” I accept that they might provide a vital function I am not aware of, but what is it?

Oh sure, but then you need a circulatory system to keep the heart alive and a set of lungs to oxygenate the blood and another heart to pump blood to the first heart. Then you also probably need a nervous system to regulate the mess. Plus then you got to dispose of two hobo corpses. By then you’d be better off playing

I would expect Jezebel to be all over this. No Man’s Sky makes it sound like the universe is a lesbian paradise. Or ‘That Sky Belongs to no man, its its own sky, it don’t need no man to belong to.’

Crap that was supposed to be a reply to one of the other posts

Obvious advertising bot is obvious.

It's not designed to be a practical get around device. Its sole purpose is to hang in the air for 60 seconds and raise 10 feet. No one plans to fly this thing around town.

actually they have been doing that for a while. They are called IPS stem cells. They aren't quite as versatile as embryonic stems, but no one gets pissy when you make a bunch of IPS cells.

I think we need an in depth study of how Foxcon is handling its workers, because it seems to be the polar opposite of how you should.

Gasp...shock...Fox news reporting untruths.

Spoken like a true RIAA shill sir. Good job.

I've been reading the free books from Google books for several months now. Great way to get at the classics. I just finished reading Captain Blood . I highly recommend it for anyone who likes the Pirates of the Caribian movies and has a tolerance for 18th century speach.

Personally I never had a problem with google glasses looks. I do have a problem with them not really being as useful as I had hoped. I guess they might be useful for some specific applications and people that need updates constantly available. For myself I can't think of anything these can do that I wouldn't just pull

I bought one of the other Duo models a while back. The thing makes me a little sad every time I use it. Dell obviously intended it to compete with the ipad instead of considering that it is actually a laptop. As a result it has 2 USB ports and a headphone jack. That's it, no video out no network jack. And the battery

Not sure how I feel about this.

This used to be one of our favorite pass times back in the day, only with anime. The Chinese knockoffs you could buy for 5 buck was often worth the investment in hilarity. If you wanted to have any idea what was going though on you had to have seen it before or pay for a legit copy.

I'm pretty sure that the reason they are so focused on one target at the moment is that once they have a decisive victory they can then use it as a precident for other cases against other companies. A which point apple will be the only ones allowed to make "rectangular computing devices".

Imagine if auto manufacturers or tv manufacturers fought this hard over design. It is rediculous what apple is doing here. It looks like abuse of the patent system to me, but hen again I'm not a patent lawyer.

Nah, it's for probing science. Find some science out there you can find out what kind of scientific you've got. "Oh look, I found biology!"

When I first learned about counting in different bases I often wondered if there was a magic base that would make all the crazy physics constants come out even. Now that you say that I can't help but wonder if it would be more about how we defined time.

That study was actually done years ago. Don't remember what it was called otherwise I'd post a link. The end result was, yes you can totally live entirely from ordering things from the internet. I imagine that it is even more true now