Steel Fox

In light of this idea I think I will submit a patent where in you load up the uterus with around 500 psi worth of inert gasses. That should help with the delivery proccess.

@Mr_Biggles: Sadly the emulation for the Splinter Cell game kinda sucks. Its playable, but barely. And they didn't change any of the instructions to reflect the different inputs.

@Ramón Glover: Does the version you downloaded have the wifi hotspot disabled like verision was saying they would do?

This guy did it better

Thanks to that final picture I am going to have dreams tonight about a vicious mouse-appocolypse.

I rember reading a while ago that in order for solar cells to be competitive with coal they would have to be over 35% efficient. This could be very big!

@Jakooboo- SHARK WEEK.: Actually there have been some attempts. I saw a research project where they had some high temp photovolatic solar cells at the apex of a casagrainian dish. On the back side of the solar cell they put seedback engines to harvest the heat too. It was a significant increase over the solar cell by


All he had to do was press the paper clip to the back of this thing. You mean they put a single tumbler lock on the nifty biomentic lock? Really?

So why couldn't they have done this years ago, using cheeper hardware that does more? Its not like anything in the iPad didn't exist already.

Too late now Ballmer. Microsoft could have had the Courier out years ago and when the iPad came out everyone would have just said "Meh. its just a crappy gimped Courier."

@sarge5: My thoughts exactly. Maybe an inside joke for farmville players?

I'm not really clear on howVlingo is any different from the built in voice search.

"BP will stop enhancing the truth in 3..2..bzzzzt"

The only reason Avatar worked was because it was directed as a 3D movie from the get go. I don't think most movie directors can wrap thier brain around 3D.

I guess I am ahead of the game. I got a free binural app for my droid and have been using this to help sleep on long rides.

"PC load letter! What the hell does that mean!?"

Instead of trying to make them look like a tree. Why not make them into nice clock towers, sculputes or other man made pleasant structures.