Most city councilmen probably don’t know what opportunity costs are.
Most city councilmen probably don’t know what opportunity costs are.
The irony here is that Kroenke is perfectly willing to pay to build his own stadium, as long as it’s in Los Angeles. His stance on St. Louis is to set an impossible to reach goal for public financing, and St. Louis is tripping over itself to get there for whatever reason.
this fucking show. i love this fucking show,.
Good grief Ilana is so damned good looking.
Tanguay is fucking horrible. Let me give you a quick blueprint for every Tanguay rant: “I’m going to give my opinion, based on certain facts. Some will then point out that my facts are wrong. I will then refuse to change my opinion, but instead just talk louder.”
This is such a great point. The jurors would have to be concerned about possible retaliation. Brave citizens to discharge their duty.
Seeing people who have callously committed horrific acts on other people start to cry when forced to take (some) responsibility for their conduct always makes me hate them even more.
That story he wrote about the Rams video guy was such bullshit, and I’m not even a Pats fan. Just a hacky attempt to make a name for yourself.
I have no problem with Felger. Hell, I’d listen to him more if it weren’t for Mazz.
Oh man, one of the worst. Dude weighs about 130 pounds, and yet still puts on this whole tough-guy act. Who the fuck does he think he’s fooling?
Let's not forget Kirk Minihine. What a tool that guy is.
Don’t worry, festivus airing of grievances is coming!
I didn't ignore your comment, you just misunderstood my response, as you've misunderstood the rest of my comments. If thinking I'm racist helps you sleep at night more power to you, I'm not super concerned what Klutzy Puppet thinks of me.
I totally fucking forgot the last half of that post, I have no idea where I was going with that. Sorry, drugs. It was, like, pretty cool, man. Poignant and witty.
I love how "taking action" now means buying a gun and shooting someone. All other options are so quickly dismissed and we go straight to killing someone as a means of resolution. *slow insane golf clap*
so taking action to protect yourself makes you nuts?
you pretty much cross the line when you volunteer to pay for machine designed solely to kill and stick it in your pocket on the ridiculously minuscule chance that you'll ever need to use it and if you do, the even more minuscule chance that you'll use it correctly and not get yourself shot in the process. That's…
Not as much as the NRA or their clients, the firearms industry.
Some people just want to watch Twitter burn.