Fox on clocks and bricks and blocks

The NFL should pay for EVERYTHING related to the Super Bowl.

Trollin the truth. I didn’t come up the amazing prescient and intelligent “An Armed Society Is A Polite Society” /s

This is the society the GOP and the NRA wants.

My look was ringer shirts, german paratrooper pants, and indoor soccer shoes. Ah...the mid 90's.

In 1994, a girl I met on an internet chat board told me she was one of the girls on the Siamese Dream album cover (she [and I you perverts] were 16 at the time, it was an old photo). Maybe it’s true. What was certainly true was my my screen name was Zero978, and I was very angsty and used to post quotes from Mellon

My NYR was to fill in my timesheet on the fly, rather than write times down and transcribe in a fury the morning they are due. It’s been great so far.

Well your team certainly were about the poorest sports I’ve seen in a long time after the AFCCG. Rubbing it in to the Pats in various ways. So I expect [hope] karma to take a big bite out of their asses. I would have rooted for Peyton, but not now.

Never made it to Red Rocks, always wanted to. Maybe on my next XC trip. Also, THE THUNDER ROLLS. AND THE LIGHTNING STRIKES. dun dun dun.

Stop. Denver is the nation’s team and shining city. They can do literally no wrong. Boston is an evil and horrible cess pit of the worst our nation has to offer, like educated and worldy university students (meaning more libtard white devils) and the world’s best hospitals (who the fuck do these people think they are

I hope the equipment guys sues THE M-FING SHIT out of Blake.

Agreed. When I saw this today, I thought the same thing. “Great, now this a thing I’m going to have to scroll past on a daily basis. Thanks Deadspin.”

Disagree. That’s your job, bub. But I also think you should be tipped well, and more for storms, etc.

I like ESPN’s new mobile format. Too bad every post is pay-for, or utter bullshit.

So, fans are supposed to sit quietly and not have feelings? Just because your team sucks doesn’t mean we all have to be sad sacks.

“saved” in quotes, because who knows if I would have died or gotten injured. I was on a college campus, not Everest. Albeit it was 3 am...who knows. And I know, blah blah shit I did in college. We’ve all got them.

This needs to be at the top, and the only comment. Just erase all the rest, Deadspin.

Those other “fans” who you think are “family” will stab you over a parking spot or spilled beer, so get a grip with that nonsense.

I passed out in a snowbank in shorts and hoodie and flip flops in college, but was “saved” by a passing monk (it was a Jesuit college). At least saved from losing a tootsie or two.

During the 4th Q I kept thinking “this is just like the ‘04 super bowl”, but didn’t make the Reid-Reid connection until hours after the game. Then I thought “well, no shit then.”

PCP is awesome. Best high I’ve ever had. I alternated between “real” life, and a crazy, Lorax-style cartoon world for about an hour. My GF at the time was laying on the floor screaming “I’m falling” the whole time. Totally weird, totally “fun”, but something I would never do again.