Where do they have weekly men’s group meetings and what are they for? Men who can’t deal with the fact that it is no longer 1950? Men who are struggling with their addiction to hair pills? I don’t get it.
Where do they have weekly men’s group meetings and what are they for? Men who can’t deal with the fact that it is no longer 1950? Men who are struggling with their addiction to hair pills? I don’t get it.
And yet, these keep being made. And I’m sure no one is going around saying “well, we can’t keep making TV shows starring men because they are all flops!” like they do about women-centric shows/films.
So basically what you’re saying is that I should skip it and watch Misfits? Done!
That’s the important thing here.
Of course it has to be pink. Bc women love pink, amirite?
Episode pitching time!
It centers on three men who explore different sides of masculinity in a weekly men’s group meeting, where they cry, beat drums and fire-walk to find the answer.
“...where they cry, beat drums and fire-walk to find the answer.”
I ain’t even gonna hate. (if) I don’t like it, I won’t watch.
The ironic thing is...more traditionally “manly” men are less likely to be whiny m’lady-ers, for some reason? A look at Deadspin and Kotaku’s commentators pretty much shows it. Even the body builders forum is more sane than most of those MRA subreddits.
It’s this:
But what if...they learn to reject societal gender norms and embrace their “feminine” aspects, while learning to respect themselves as men, and respect women as people?
Tim Allen has a new show? Weird.
Why is gender such a sore spot for manly men?