
Heated marble floors. I wants them.

You be you Kiddo. Best of luck Ms. Tea.

Tbh that would be the QUEEN of Unexpected Plot Twists.

This is a good point. If DT is insulting you, you’ve probably done something worthwhile.

Mark would have twitter war with Trumpo and would win by a landslide

You need to meet with an adviser to discuss coping strategies. Are you registered with a disability at the university? They might be able to offer you extra help with deadline extensions etc.

I think moving away from your dad is a good idea.

This sounds really fun. Remember that this does not need to be the ultimate paper about bonobos.

Yes you can!

Will try this. Thanks for sharing!

Here’s a good one on GG rubbing among bonobos. Good luck!

It sounds like you might have an anxiety disorder. The way you talked about assignments reminded me of the way people I know with anxiety disorders talk about things they need to do. I’m not trying to play internet doctor, but that might be something you can try and look into. A lot of university’s have mental health

My school and I think most do these days have search engines through the school library that will hook you up with all kinds of papers written about everything. If you find scholarly papers you can use those sources to base your paper off of.

I think you definitely need to put that ultimatum out of your mind. Nothing brings out my self destructive behavior like giving myself an ultimatum. (i.e. I decide I have to lose weight then immediately go eat a burrito)

I was just like you in college. I was in such a rush to get through, I thought it was something I HAD to finish. But i fucked it up a few times. Once I started treatment for my ADHD I was finally able to do it. It sounds like you might need to seek some professional help if you haven’t done so yet. Check with your

Oh, dear. When I was 27, I was in love with a 38 year old man who had women on the side. It devastated me. I so regret wasting my late 20s on him. He may be charming, but there is something deeply wrong with him that he would do this to her and to you. At 38, he’s not going to change. Find someone with integrity. They

You need to stop communicating with this man. He's cheating on his wife and you're not moving on with your life.

I don’t know if this will make you feel better but I think “bad timing” is a cop out excuse. If he wanted you guys to happen, he would not have let a three week relationship stop him.

Too early for the usual Open Thread but, tangentially related -