
I think perhaps Yoko is just a walking PSA for what happens when you drop way too much acid. Seriously, I honestly think this is why she’s so... Yoko-loco. (OMG I nailed that.)

That would make me love art. I would rather watch that than look at some Rembrandts.

I believed Amy Poehler on that Truth or Lie thing when she said she had helped Yoko Ono across the street. I’m against ageism, but damn, Yoko. Are you losing your marbles or did you ever have marbles?

She is infuriatingly bad. Beyond parody at this point.

Damn straight!

I laughed so loud the cats ran away. Reminds me of my 11 year old son. He had to go in for an endoscopy, and they put kids under for that. He hates needles, so they gave him Versed to calm him.

I'm stoned right now and I'd be the happiest girl in the world if I had some pie.

by that reasoning, you should be putting tomatoes, cucumbers, avocados, and especially peppers, which are a berry, in your damn fruit pie


Stoners with pie cannot be angry, my friend.

Wait, if there is no footage of the bear actually eating the pies, are we sure this wasn’t just an angry horde of pie-eating stoners?

The bear and I are one.

Wait. This bear isn’t on video? How do they know it was a bear?

What’s that vegetable doing in my fruit pie?

Chill bear needed some grub after a bowl.

Here’s my impression of you: “Oooo, look at me, I’m MrDineo and I hate fruit.” That’s okay, though. More pie for bears and me!

In other words, this bear is living its truth and I respect the hell out of it.

My hot take: Pies are second tier desserts. Cakes ftw.

Weed is legal in Colorado. COINCIDENCE!?!?!