
Oh, because of the "Dale"? That was intended as an abbreviation of Airedale. (See below. See also: lame excuse for dog pics).

Everyone who gets confused on GT just adds an extra T, turning me into Flutter. Yours is funnier. :)

I wanted to say something longer or more emphatic. When the in-laws (or, God forbid, my parents) say something about how he won't "let" me do something, I feel the overwhelming need to show everyone that, if I can conceive, carry, and deliver a baby ... allowing him to participate in naming it is a courtesy I'm

For me, I changed my name because my maiden name had no significance. I was born with one name (my mothers first husband, not my father), got changed to my mothers second husbands (again, not my father), and stayed that way until I got married. Changing my name to that of my husband was the only choice name wise that

Exactly. Calling your name your dad's name is just one more way of saying a woman never is really autonomous. Which is bullshit.

This one really pisses me off too. It's not my dad's name. It's MY name. I've lived with it for 40 years, had to correct people's spellings/pronunciations of it, filled it out on more paperwork than I could dream of remembering.

Yes! This one pisses me off no end. I was born with my surname; so was my father. So how come it's his name for him, but for me it's somehow still 'his' name?

Ultimately, the act of naming a child after yourself as a woman is an act of preserving your own name. But that name is probably your father's name.

I'll give my kids a last name when they fucking earn a last name.

You are not owed protection by strangers just because they happen to be male and/or bigger and stronger. If you saw two smaller than you men fighting, would you intervene and risk injury or legal consequences? I HIGHLY DOUBT IT.

I just all-around hated that show, could never understand the appeal.

I figured you had an agenda and I was right.

It's also a great solution if you want to live in even greater poverty and suffering than you are already, and make sure that your children have even less to eat.


Oh man, I'm so disappointed that Josh Radnor's inner voice wasn't telling him that How I Met Your Mother was a crime against humanity and he was the worst part of the whole thing.

Nope, I'm not from the South.

By fuck I think you mean God Bless.

If you don't like it, don't watch it. If you don't want to read about, don't click on links. You could easily go about life without any interruptions from Andy Cohen & Gang. I hate that The Bachelor has been on for approx. 45 years but other people seem to enjoy it so who am I to complain?

That wasn't actually meant as a joke.

I came here to see if anyone had come up with precisely that conspiracy theory yet, and I was not disappointed.

But it's not a tragedy without a conspiracy theory!