
Sounds like people are cheering him on as well. I think the lady is lucky he slapped her instead of punched her, which might have been a natural reaction.

Omfg what is wrong with people????? I read a similar story about the porn star Stoya (not sure if she has a last name??). She said a stranger jammed his fingers into her crotch at a porn convention. Some of the commenters were trying to say porn is her job, so why is she surprised people treat her that way.

Did you see the Gawker post about Iggy Azalea's fans trying to finger her? Ooh, thr MRA's were all over that one, dropping gems like "If she didn't want to get fingered, she shouldn't stage dive or talk about her vagina." So much rage.

Yeah but she's not with him, so clearly she's not in the WORST kind of hell.

The heart wants what the heart wants.

What that fan did is assault. And stupid. No sympathy for her whatsoever for getting slapped.

I don't think there's any gray area. If someone, male or female, grabs your junk uninvited, they should expect a slap in return.

MTE as painful as it is to see a woman slapped, just no. She assaulted him and she had it coming.

Same. In high school a classmate pinched be on the butt really hard (it really hurt!) so without even thinking I hit him in the head with the textbook I was holding, and then he got super pissed.

Yep. I'm kind of glad he did that instead of freezing like I always do in similar situations.

yeah, I'm thinking if someone slapped me in the genitals and I instinctively slapped them back to defend myself...nobody would have a problem with this. Sexual assaults aren't okay just because the victim is a dude.

I think it's totally fine to slap anyone in the face who grabs your crotch without your consent.

Honestly, if someone is sexually assaulting you (and yeah, slapping someone's genitals is sexual assault), I think you have a pass to react defensively.

I give Tim McGraw a pass, because if someone reached up and grabbed — or even tried to grab — my crotch-area I would do way worse than slap them. Instinctually.

My vote is- if someone smacks you in the genitals, you have a free pass. I didn't watch the video though, because I was worried I might be subjected to Tim McGraw's music.

Living in California I'm so over paying sales tax on every damn thing. I just got back from a trip to Boston and was overjoyed when I found out I wasn't being taxed on all my little clothing and jewelery purchases. It felt downright illegal.