It’s a little disturbing that you’re qualifying this at all.
It’s a little disturbing that you’re qualifying this at all.
Yeah, he managed not to screw it up the parenting one time. Almost makes up for trying to sell me into marriage at 14, y’know?
It’s cool. There’s always at least one dude who always wanted to be a cop and/or who has a cop relative who genuinely believes cops can do no wrong.
So on the one-year anniversary of Michael Brown’s death, the Ferguson cops shoot someone, leave them bleeding in the street, then clash with protestors and arrest people for filming them.
I was in a foreign country where I didn’t speak the language and the men were hostile to women, so I made my dad go out and buy me tampons for my first period.
Shame-cravings be damned, I would *love* to have one of these bucket printers. It’s super weird!
That’s damn artisanal of them.
...”what makes America think Trump won’t viciously assault the country ion the same manner?”
Why not just call them Southern Baconists? PRAAAAISE BACON!
At a certain saturation point your body just passes extra fat right out without absorbing it, right? And coffee makes you go #2 anyway, so can we all assume he shit himself thin?
The close-ups reaaaaally make the onions look like earthworms though. Delicious earthworms.
Extra points for the use of “jaunty.” That’s just not a word we get to see often enough.
I witnessed a vegetarian/pescatarian discussion over an after-church family brunch between several teenagers that degraded into a joke about being a “pussytarian” which prompted the joker’s 6-year-old sister to immediately start shrieking “I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM MY PUSSY” at the top of her lungs in defense of…
I prefer the descriptive of “occasiotarian” as the catch-all for people who can’t quite commit to vegetarianism. It works for the people who are stridently trying to stay vegetarian but can’t resist the occasional crumble of bacon here and there, and it works for the people who fervently believe ordering a Cobb salad…
That is completely confusing. Had they listed it as “Steak Sandwich-Sized Steak” it would have made a little more sense, but barely. Was the woman questioning the presence of bread thinking of lettuce leaf wrap “sandwiches” maybe?
The sad part for me is that I actually like kids. I am the first to make gimme hands at a friend’s baby, I’ll make faces at and play with toddlers on airplanes and buses, and there is generally a 50/50 shot that at any given time I may have puppets in my purse for incidental situations (lines at Target are a big part…
I wonder if my husband would let me call him my permanent gentleman caller.
Pretty much all of them.
The willful ignorance of basic science the anti-vaccination crowd shows is staggering, and now they’re taking a page from anti-abortion demonstrators-turned-terrorizers? Ironically (and horribly) the decision not to vaccinate their children has the potential to eliminate this group’s progression the natural selection…