
Until about 1967, they had sliding windows (except in Australia)

But then you have the perfect opportunity teach them how to replace a clutch!

It’s almost a win-win! You know, other than the fact that they killed your clutch.

It is beautiful. The only driving I’ve done there so far has been parade laps, but that will be changing in a few weeks!

Best. Autocross. Ever.

I was curious... thanks. It’s not all that bad. It’s still weird and pretty badly proportioned, but it’s not the worst thing I’ve seen today.

June 20, 1980. Monday was June 15. So, about five days off from 35 years. Still cool!

I find it hilarious that state legislature is bickering about whether or not to raise the state speed limit on 55mph roads to 65mph... not including the toll roads near Chicago.

They were considered the worst franchise in professional sports at one time.

Thanks for clicking though!

“Ooh, yeah, that’s a good one. Put it in the script!”

Just this weekend some friends from the local 86 club were musing about how much a Castrol-livery BRZ would ruffle people’s feathers. It’s such a good-bad idea.

The #1 question I get asked in my Mini is if was hard learning to shift when the pedals are reversed.

I drive a relatively inexpensive car that’s only exotic in the sense that it was imported and is RHD. It’s not a sports car, it’s not a luxury car, it just happens to be from another country and VERY recognizable.

I’ve got an “EA” tag and it’s perfect, since I pretty much store the car for half the year anyway.

You’re going to have a big hunk of metal staring back at you. That piece of plastic is the cover for the actual bumper, and trust me, it’s better the way it is.

MVP Track Time has been doing an event in spring at COTA. This year’s has passed, but I’m confident they’ll have it again. I do know that this year’s filled up by about November.


Well, the AWD kit is from a CR-V, meaning it’s a part of the VTEC swap. It’s easy to get swallowed up in just how much work goes into it.

Even though the Mini is much cooler, I think I’d rather have an LS-swapped Miata. It probably costs less overall, too. Maybe someday!

I should clarify - there’s more rear legroom in the classic. I get cramps in my ankle/lower leg because of how close I have to sit to the pedals.

And I can’t use seat relocation brackets because they aren’t original seats! Good stuff.

There’s more legroom in the classic Mini. :)