It’s all good!
It’s all good!
It's even sillier than that!
A lot of classic Mini owners have little hesitation expressing their distaste for BMW MINI drivers. (It’s mostly the old British dudes)
I didn’t say I buy into it! In fact, I was the only classic driver at a meet with 50+ MINIs last week... I actually love the attention I get from owners of new ones.
It may seem pedantic, but there’s a surprising division between “Mini” owners and “MINI” owners.
I've heard many Focus ST owners say that the Recaros are great seats once broken in, but I don't see how that could be at all true for anyone with a wide frame. Supposedly the US-Spec RS is going to have the same seats as the upgraded Recaros in the ST, so it looks like I'll have to live with them.
Hm, is this Nitrous Blue?
I just like this:
I'm really really curious how it drives. With a fair bit more power than the NA Miata at essentially the same size and weight, it will undoubtedly be a blast.
If they make this (and that might be a big if!), and they make it on the Civic platform, there's no chance it doesn't have some semblance of a backseat.
Man, those camera flashes have to be disorienting.
I'm a big fan of this video of building a Mk1 classic Mini at Longbridge.
Is that Donovan McNabb?
I lucked out, as nobody else reserved a tour at the same time as I did. It was just me and the guide walking around talking about cars. Pretty cool.
You schedule online in advance. It's a really neat tour, and not too far from Donington Park, which has an incredible museum.