I agree with someone else I saw this in the Cinema after the end credits....
I agree with someone else I saw this in the Cinema after the end credits....
You can't partition a thumb drive - well you can do it but only the first will ever show up.
Every True Blood episode is named after the song that plays out at the end. Obvious no ?
This show will have to be set in JJ Abrams new timeline or the movies will make no sense at all.
Well not all of us - Like Africans - and the neandertals we bred with.
Mitochondrial eve is a statistic and nothing more - read up on it.
Or maybe ...just maybe a new original sci-fi show written by actual sci-fi authors based on a completely new premise not a tired old one. Don't get me wrong I love most things Trek but it's had it's day stop rebooting stuff and just give us new stuff...PLEASE.
I would like to point out that kids not into sport and geeky are not usually autistic ! Being a Geek is not a developmental problem - Many geeks I know have a very high level of social intelligence very empathic. This article is seriously dumb.
The universe contains many many brains so obviously the universe.
This looks like an original take - do we have an eta ?
Okay I'll ignore Avatar because after all it's faults it was and is an enjoyable movie but Titanic is romantic drivel, and True Lies is funny but ultimately bad.
YES ! Uninstall Firefox and install Chrome - it's easy.
Unless you a have cholesterol problem is seems a bit pointless - even then butter fat has been proven to have many health benefits. People are quick to say fat is bad but it really is not so long as you are not soaking your food in it.
Everything listed in the pros and the cons is why I love True Blood ~ totally unpredictable and ridiculously entertaining. Get with the program IO9 this is cable TV at it's best :-D
Funny Europe is still full of free countries without institution rights to gun ownership - People do kill each other still but people can only kill 10+ in seconds with automatic weapons. Guns are not defensive weapons - if criminals have guns then you're safer wearing a vest than carrying gun.
Some of us men are not total sexists - YOU DISGUST ME ;-P
Sorry as I am for them - I'm trying to like the show but it's turning into a total bore-fest - I kinda wish at this stage that this had been canceled and TerraNova had been renewed.
First of all none of these things will ever happen without SUPER rich people to pay for them, building on land is easy - building waterproof land to float or exist on/in water is massively expensive. Also the escaping corrupt government line is utter nonsense, politics will still rule these off shore cities so you…
I trust Zack Snyder to make a good film (because of 300 & Watchmen) I just would never trust him to write a screenplay (after Suckerpunch)
How can Matt Groening steal from himself ?!?