
I think this is a seriously harsh review of what is essentially a zany comic cartoon - Not one of the best for sure but not bad at all.

I think Eye Phone was one of the best - I'm sure owners of iPhones might disagree ;-p

Sorry but that episode was seriously funny - maybe not for Apple fanbois - not saying you are of course ;-p

I would say the worst way to make a JL movie is to actually make it ! Avengers only just managed it on the back of several successful solo movies - I have thought for a while since Batman Begins that DC has always taken a much darker gritter angle to their movies while Marvel is abit more funny and light hearted.

If only we could have Robert Carlisle as Mance - Fingers crossed - if only Once Upon a Time had been cancelled in time.

I'm sure they'll keep him - he was in quite a few crucial scenes with Jamie.

Apologies now you mention it I do remember that bit.

I'm sure it caused her huge problems in life not to have big fake American teeth. If she only got them fixed then she could be an actress someday or maybe even famous.

How dare you mention Cowboy Bebop in the same sentence as a real life SciFi show - back to your anime kid, the grown ups are trying to talk.

Maybe because Superman Returns was so boring my leg fell off half way through.

Doubt they could afford him.

No they spoke of him but he wasn't actually in it.

"a surreal, dystopian society where mega corporations have unleashed a monstrous global conspiracy to get inside our minds and keep the population disillusioned, dependent and passive."

Glad you're here to point these nuances out - how would we survive (Note the heavy use of sarcasm ?)

No aliens in Dredd and Attack the Block was not escaping from a block that's full of aliens it's fighting aliens invading on the streets and in the block.

It's shit - end of story - grab any compilation you want - it's like saying I can't get into Spiderman because of how many back issues there are.

I'm trying to like it but ultimately I'm finding it rather boring.

This is based on an older comic story - it sounds nothing like Attack the Block - move along please.

First - Read the Comics not hard in this wonderful digital age - then slap yourself around the face liberally for enjoying one of Holywood's biggest piece of shit sell out movies.

How do I use local storage with, Mr. Gordon ?