This just cries out for a bit of the preserved lemon, that I made the day before your article last week. Just a hint will be enough
This just cries out for a bit of the preserved lemon, that I made the day before your article last week. Just a hint will be enough
Yeah you guys did get some funny things. we have lots of big things that want kill and eat you. Over there things kill you just because they are nasty little shits.
I could work out if it was a blue or a black Wildebeest, but I going to guess it was a blue.
Since I am repacking a, just butchered 20 Kg smoked Warthog tonight, I wouldnt mind something along those lines. Apart from the fact that it will mean very little to the rest of the world :)
For every action, there is an equal or even grossly unexpected reaction
See, now I am glad that I asked. That looks great. With three grams in that dish, I hope that it serves more than one person.
Great story John. Now where is the sodding receipe? Meant in the nicest way,of course.
What is that yamaha TDR doing in the background? Is it a sneaky spy?
The other debate is between Marmite and the meat based spreads, like Frey Bentos or Bovril. During national service, we only got Bovril and I was a dedicated Marmite man. Fuck, two years of withdrawl.
I drove my first 7 in 1987, which I tried to buy but my arsehole of a father would not lend me the money. He was an arsehole for other reasons, so dont judge me. It had a BMW 2 liter motor and went like shit off a shovel. Over the last 30 years I have driven quite a few more and we used one as a tracking vehicle at…
I thought that a pound is where stray animals and naughty cars ended up.
Well I doubt that he would be on speed, would he?
My father always told me that when the music played in the icecram van, then they were already out of stock. Bastard
And the dog gave it’s name to the motor as well
I think that you find that once you cracked an egg into a mug, the chance of it exploding are pretty low :)
Claire what make/model of pocket knife would that be?
I bet that this guy has at least one tattoo with a spelling mistake and it is his cousins name.
I just rtead your whole post in a north country accent. I was born in Lincoln.
Easy choice. I have 4 different back packs of various sizes and I do not own a suitcase.
That seemed to curb their enthusiasm.