
No worries. He is conservative. All he has to do is ask GOD for forgiveness and the other conservatives will like him again.

“community organizer?” Oh yeah, that ONE year he worked as that between undergrad at Columbia and law school at Harvard. No, right wingers can’t acknowledge that Barack Obama was a honors graduate from Harvard Law, a Constitutional Law attorney, an instructor at U of Chicago law school (#4 nationally), a State Senator

ISIS, an organization that would not exist BUT FOR Dubya’s invasion of Iraq for no damn reason; that then created Al Qaeda In Iraq who turned into ISIS. Al Qaeda wouldn’t exist had Ronald Reagan not weaponized the Mujahideen; and then left a bunch of Islamic extremist mercenaries lying around looking for someone to

Despite being painted as a communist devil, you don’t get much more moderate and centrist than Obama was.

Because they’re racist assholes who don’t even have balls enough to admit it. ALL Trumpies are pieces of shit and we’d ALL be better off if we could somehow expunge them permanently.

He...sure did. Friendship is blinding.

I appreciate the demonstration of how completely divorced from reality the typical Republican is. But now that we’ve all had a good chuckle, you can drop it. It’s getting a bit ludicrous now, saying that Carter (who put SALT II into place), Clinton (START II) and Obama (New START) were greater threats to start a

I quit coming here when AJ was in charge of Deadspin. I still can’t believe he made it to the EIC of all of Gawker.

Damn, that’s some perspective. A rapist, sure, we can survive that. People survive rapes pretty often.

I’m very impressed you can fuck your sister and type words on a c.o.m.p.u.t.e.r at the same time.

The worst thing you can say about Obama is “community organizer”. How the fuck can you compare any of those three to the conservative turds this country keeps electing?

Honestly, you can go fuck yourself for that bullshzt you’re spewing...

Jesus, RamboWillis, you’re even fucking dumber than I thought.

I think Leitch and Daulerio are super old friends from when they both came to NY
Leitch is great
Daulerio should have gone to Vice or Barstool before he took down the best website

Due to poor clock management most of Scandinavia won’t get their presents until the 27th.

He's an at-times-brilliant complete asshole.

Hot take: Ryan Adams is a very good — at times even great — songwriter with absolutely no sense of quality control and a tendency toward the most insufferable type of self-sabotage, who also seems like a real drag to be around in real life. Stranger's Almanac, Heartbreaker, and half of Ashes & Fire are still killer

He's put out a lot of great, dynamic music.

We need to get Bloc Party involved in this, then we can get a real 2000's rock artists who peaked with their debut feud.
