
There’s a lot of good broadcast TV around in the last 10 or so years (and I won’t even expand that to include my much loved Firefly). Just to name a few: Brooklyn 99 is pretty good at making a slightly more keyed up Barney Miller vibe. The Goldbergs presents some good nuance even if it is a family comedy. Scrubs was

are you extremely dumb?

In that case, they could have fired Kevin James and replaced him with Leah Rimini

Kevin Can Wait was the most successful new comedy on television last year,

This. It’s like saying “We’re giving everyone free cake!” without mentioning that it’s covered in feces.

Can someone explain the appeal of Kevin James? I do not find him funny at all. Like Adam Sandler level of not funny.

I have no problem with Leah Remini, but if it means I have to watch Kevin James, I’m out.

He’s a smarmy, self-entitled, self-satisfied douche, same as ever. He’s a perfect fit with the other Fox cretins.

I was told once tht Gottleib’s persona on ESPN was fake, he was asked to be a douche and “play the heel” on CBB broadcasts. Well, I was introduced to Gottlieb a few years ago by a D1 hoops coach and he began to mock my profession then went chasing college cheerleaders. No, it isn’t an act, the guy is a first class

I’ve seen advertisements for HGH on TV. Last I checked, Missouri wasn’t part of the Dominican Republic.

His 162 game averages:

Doug Gottlieb = Go lie, Butt God

Jesus. I knew Gottlieb was an arrogant, self-absorbed prick, but what the fuck is he talking about?? His ‘job’ is done? What fucking job? Pointless arguing that doesn’t even qualify as shitty ‘debate’ because all it does is open a door to a possibility that doesn’t even exist, which is a possibility he pulls out of

Oh yeah? In American, our newspaper writers used to be literate.

Maybe Beltre doesn’t want people touching his head cuz they can feel how much bigger its gotten since he took all those steroids. Stay woke, fokes

“My job is done here”

He’s a kicker, so he made the right choice. He’ll have a better chance than most to still tryout for the NFL as a free agent as long as he keeps in shape. Until then, he can continue to make videos and even expand the scope!

God, the NCAA really wants to shoot itself in the foot with regard to its position on student-athletes not living hand to mouth from whatever scholarship money they get. I know, before anyone accuses me of hyperbole, that I’m making somewhat of an exaggeration there, but I mean, really, come the fuck on. The vast

i’m honestly just real pist at the pacing. they shortened the seasons under the guise of the original plan being like ‘60 or 70 hours of total content’ but the fact that these first 3 episodes are whipping by at light speed with little to no depth to them is breathtaking. it feels rushed and underdeveloped and i think

I’ve been finding all the comments about the timelines so tedious. At this point I don’t need three episodes of Jon and Davos on a boat or full sieges of both Caterly Rock and High Garden. I would much, much rather the show spend the few remaining episodes on extended scenes like Dany and Jon or Cersei and the