Sony, please.
Sony, please.
I’d be somewhat disapointed if it wasn’t the case.
Is there that many people using remote streaming? It seems so ineficient to me from both an energy consumption point of view and having to monopolise two devices. You also need infrastructure for video streaming if you want to do it over the internet. Why not have proper cloud gaming instead?
15 years ago, I was pretty hyped that one day we might be able to see raytracing rendering in real time. But now that it happened, it’s a bit underwhelming since regular 3D rasterization techniques have come a long way since then. The only place where RTX shines is pretty much only in reflections.
Because you clicked on the article.
I really don’t get how people are okay with the way games randomly go away from the service. Wouldn’t it suck to have to purchase a game because it got removed before you could finish it?
I have a better question. What is a RPG? Technicaly, none of the FF makes you play a role. It’s more of an interactive story like pretty much every video game calling themselves RPG.
Seriously, just say it outright: “It sucks to develop for a 10 year old machine”.
If only they would remove the awards from the The Game Awards, it’d be a great show.
It’s probably hard to find gas over there for the same reason.
Since Tesla only does electric vehicles, it is in his best interest to take other technologies down.
It wouldn’t be hard to let the user remap the buttons on the new controller. Might not work perfectly for every game but at least it would be something. Sony have just been going out of their way to get rid of backward compatibility since the revisions of the PS3.
Natural gas is such a misleading term. It’s about as natural as petroleum gas.
The article is right that we’re so dead set on electricity that we’re throwing out the window any research for more convenient and environmentally friendly sources of energy. Even other battery technologies are being pushed aside.
The person behind the cash register gets suspicious but they aren’t supposed to pry. They know the customer is probably getting scammed but they don’t want to insult them.
It’d be nice if they’d keep going with the rest of the xpac. The first wave of raid of Cata was a lot of fun.
Not too surprising since the weapon is a legendary that takes a fair amount of time to earn and the proc is 10% with 45 sec CD. So only 3-4 players should get the big buff per fight for most boss encounter. And since the tooltips are wrong, it’s a bit hard to notice that you’re not taking as much damage as you should…
I really don’t get the appeal of those funko pop figurines. Compared others like Amibos, they look horrible.
Or that the zoomers stopped buying our meme stocks and are ruining the economy.
I really don’t get the people who are mad at MrBeast. I’d gladly show up on his show to get a free car and I believe that everyone appearing in his videos think the same way. When was the last time you heard anyone saying they got ripped off by MrBeast?