
Do car chargers have a “battery storage” mode that will keep the charge around 50% or something?

PC ports of console games have been like that for as long as I can remember.

Microsoft could sabotage Call of Duty on Playstation huh?

Once you get into it, hardcore mode is the only way to play Diablo. It’s so much more rewarding.

It’d be nice to be able to run the games directly from the discs.

I actually enjoyed to see a younger and emotial Samus in Metroid: Other M.

Physical NFT.

That looks like the same issue as in FF15 where the interact and jump input were on the same button (X on Playstation). So your character would be jumping all the time when trying to open doors because you needed to be completely stopped so that the interact input works.

When something like that is being an issue, it’s more to appease those few very loud parents that let their child play mature games and then whine that there are things that reminds them of sex in them. Most normal adults will just be like: “Huehuehue, looks like a pussy!” and then move on 5 seconds later.

From what I could understand from screenshots is that they use the raytracing only for the ambient occlusion which makes very little difference. At this point, why even bother?

oh wait, people actually like the swimsuit episode?

These articles are somewhat misleading as to what happened with the queue during the previous beta. I only tried to log in friday around 11PM eastern time and had 15 min queue. The two next days, I had like 10-20 second queue (the game can’t show less than 1 min queue on the ui).

Heh, I had always found it pretty lame that Epic went from the most modable series ever (Unreal Tournament) to a closed off game packed with microtransactions.

It’s a nice event but it just sucks for hardcore characters. I wouldn’t mind if he always one shot you but always spawn at the same place. He just spawns randomly and is stupid hard to beat compared to all the other enemies/bosses you’ll encounter. You can’t even prepare for it. All you can do is run away. I mean, now

It’s more of another remake/remaster than a sequel. Let’s be real, everyone is going to play in the same maps as always (de_dust, de_dust2, cs_office, cs_assault and cs_italy).

How does one become a FF XVI player? I want to play the game too.

It didn’t happen for Diablo 3 or even the Diablo 2 remake, I don’t see it happening for Diablo 4.

Which is why the roll feels a bit redundant when most classes already have skills that does something similar (teleport, caltrop now jumps backward) and you can move almost as fast.

It sure helps the fantasy if you saw the box art before playing the game. I can’t help but imagine Cloud wearing some 90s tight purple gym spandex suit.

Count in metric and you’ll be back to the 90s price!