Why does McDonnald’s still run ads even though everyone knows about it or they don’t even have a new product. Brand awareness. They just want to make sure you haven’t forgotten about them.
Why does McDonnald’s still run ads even though everyone knows about it or they don’t even have a new product. Brand awareness. They just want to make sure you haven’t forgotten about them.
Further, Domenicali isn’t wrong when he says that, to really create an equal playing field for women in the sport, there needs to be a greater emphasis on getting young girls into karts.
But if anyone can mass produce art without any effort, is it still art? If everyone could be a billionaire, that would make everyone poor.
That strangely resemble a controller that almost existed (=
He’s right. Soon, you’ll have to pay a subscription to play every games on any platform you want. So instead of having devices exclusive, we’ll go the way of cable TV just like video streaming. Isn’t the future great?
Indeed this is the first time I can ever remember a console’s price going up across the board like this.
I mean, with that trailer, that game could be about anything. I don’t even know how they expect anyone to have any hype for it aside the fact that an old GTA producer is on it. It’s about the same as when Kojima says he’s working on a new game. It’s both an exciting and cursed statement.
Wouldn’t that be that same as saying black people can’t work with white people? Not trying to add fuel to the fire but this cultural appropriation thing is getting out of hand. What is so wrong in having a white person write a song meant for a black person to sing? Would it have been better if they wrote a “white…
I mean, when it takes over 8 years between a trailer and a release, you actually have the time to get old. Someone who saw that trailer at 10 year old is now old enough to go out and drink. I wouldn’t blame them if they lost all interests for the game or forgot about it during that time.
I guess but a fixed traffic camera at intersections would probably work better. What I’m getting it is that it’s a waste of ressource to have a person dedicated to fly a drone to monitor some intersections or else the police would be using drones for everything and I don’t think anyone would like their city to look…
And the ones that exist get shut down because people build their houses nearby and then complain about the noise...
People need to be informed that bigger doesn’t make it safer. Pickup trucks aren’t race cars. It’s the same deal with tall SUVs.
Imagine if there was a global affordable health insurance available to everyone. You wouldn’t even need surveillance on the skateparks. No need to sue the city to pay your kid’s medical bill.
The goal of the dots was to avoid needing to monitor each location at all time. If you’re going to have someone pilot a drone, you’ll still need to send a police car to make arrests. You’d be better off having a cop sitting nearby waiting.
My dad would do that on FS98. I would walk by the computer and his plane was flying straight but 80 degrees on the side while he has been away for like an hour. Later, he’d brag to us that he did a full 4 hours flight from some city to another. What a great and fun game!
At least console manufacturers sell hardware at a loss or for very little profit. I can accept the 30% cut. On the other hand, there is no way that online stores like Steam is worth that 30% cut. This lawsuit doesn’t make much sense. Of course Sony is going to have a monopoly on the sale of Playstation games. It isn’t…
Is it Fortnite getting Destiny dance moves or Destiny getting Fortnite dance moves?
Because that’s what it is. That model probably isn’t even skinnable.
Double tap.