
It’s for people who haven’t seen a video game since the 80s, kind of like the Wii. It’s just that Nintendo was a lot better at selling its product even though it ended up being a glorified bowling simulator for the majority of the customers. There are surely a lot of people who will be very impressed once someone put

TBH, I really don’t understand what is all the fuss about Wordle but I’m far from being a fan of word games.

Most kickstarters video game projects have other funds. Many games get like 30-40k funding and come up with something 2-3 years later. A kickstarter is often used to marketing more than actual funding.

All you have to do is compare a regular game controller to a smartphone. Yeah, the touch screen interface is more dynamic and allows you to do more with it but when you can’t keep you sight on it at all time, it makes for a very poor controller compared to physical buttons.

That’s why standardization should be a priority going forward. You don’t want companies to change their plug or payment system every year. At the end of the day, all it needs to do is deliver electricity and some communication between the two devices like many modern digital cable do. (such as HDMI or USB)

That’s the thing though, in China, they don’t ask, they force.

Believe me, the Switch CPU is far from being close to the PS4/XboxOne. I’d say memory constraint is more of an issue when porting games to the Switch.

When they ask you for shovelware and you aren’t cheap enough to deliver.

When your microtransactions are such a scam that you can afford giving away the game for free.

Putting diesel in a gasoline car will break it (and vice versa). It shouldn’t be the case for electric cars since there is a comunication that happens between the charging station and the car when you plug it in. It’s why you can charge any phone with any charger. At worst, it’ll just take longer. This is just one of

Aren’t multiple “standars” just great? Could you imagine if each octane level had a different size nozzle?

It’s as if the Mii characters and Xbox Kinect avatars had a baby and dropped it.

Imagine a guy, matching with women, getting them to buy an expensive dress and then ghosting them...

Minecraft? I paid 10$ forever ago. Now it’s like 30$.

Well, what did you expect from a video game with root access? It’s a litteral virus. I thought they removed that due to the backlash. I guess they did not.

Where is this country with magical free internet capable of supporting three HD/4k gaming streams at once without problems and how do I move there.

Just Dance DBZ when?

Of course it is seen negatively but people calling it out in medias isn’t as widespread as it is in the western world. (which isn’t a good thing in itself, talking about it is the first step toward fixing it)

The kill switch is there for situations just like these.

The headlight following your steering is pretty nice but showing icons/images that everyone can see in front of the car sounds like a bad idea in the short term (while it is a novelty).