
You realize that bad pay and overtime were the norm at Blizzard since at lest 2 decades? Many employees in Orange county don’t really get a living wage and are forced to live 4-5 in a small appartment. This situation exploded in recent years but it isn’t the first time this get talked about. It’s just that the masses

IMO, NFS Rival had even better police chases if you played in multiplayer. I found it a lot more fun as a police actually.

A console maker who thinks exclusives suck? That’s a new one.

And with the store design, it takes hours to find something that might interest you when there is a sale. Gotta scroll through hundreds of shitty games. AVGN of the future is going to have a blast with the Switch.

Don’t worry the anime cancel culture you are talking about about is all over twitter.

To anyone who’s mad at facebook/twitter/youtube for promoting misinformation from users and think that those big platforms should censor their shit. This is what it looks like when the government gets involved too much.Thousands of people lose their livinghood because law maker can’t be bothered to do more research on

I’m not that far in the 3rd but I’d say Chronicle 2 is much better than the 3rd, at least in term of character design and battle system (but the 2nd takes about 20 hours until you have all your tools in battle which makes it a lot of fun, until then, there is a lot of waiting after auto attacks). So I’d recommend

My only real qualm is that the heavy tutorializing is sometimes overly explanatory and unskippable. Do I need the game to walk me through equipping a new piece of armor step-by-step? No. Similarly, I don’t need the characters chatting about various game systems to make them feel vaguely a part of the sci-fi world

The guy is 79 year-old. He figured his life was almost over anyway. It was about the right time.

The censored bits are probably sold as NFTs.

The agency literally called it an “illegal acquisition to expand [Meta’s] virtual reality empire” in its press release. Meta responded, claiming in a statement that the FTC’s argument is based on ideology instead of evidence, and will hurt future developments in VR.

Unfortunately, this is only available in the US. The best way is to stalk some twitter that announces when they are in stock and be at your computer (or phone) the minute it tweet shows up. I did that a year ago and had to be on edge for a whole month. It sucked. I would even wake up at midnight because Wal-Mart drops

Man I wish that devs like Gust (Atelier series) and NIS (Disgaea) would go back to 2D sprite on 3D isometric background like back on the PS2. I fucking love that kind of art style. Games like Breath of Fire IV or Tales of Eternia still look gorgeous to this day.

Because instead, they can sell a subscription for the infotainment system.

Well, do you see any western dev speaking in Japanese? I get what you mean but localization isn’t as trivial as you seem to think.

Being able to use Sony’s headset on the PC would be fucking awesome. Developping for the PSVR was kind of dumb since you needed another headset to play your game on the PC (like in Unity editor). You could only use the PSVR on a PS4 build. Unfortunately, I don’t think Sony is willing to do any pro consumer moves for

You could say the same of AAA PC gaming. Computers under 1000$ don’t really exist unless you’re fine with a subpar experience. It is still very early for a comfortable VR experience. It’s kind of like 4K TVs, the technology simply isn’t there yet to truely support it. If they stick around, you’ll probably see VR

Have you played that game recently? The voice acting is pretty horrible lol

150 hours seems to be for a 100% completion. Xenoblade Chronicle 2 is said to be an average of 257h on for completionist. I spent about 80h on it to finish it and felt like I did everything without trying to 100% it. I will simply never understand those who find it enjoyable to 100% any game.

I think it’s a recurring issue with most localized Japanese media. Animes and JRPGs are easily recognizable not only by their art style but by the story structure, subjects discussed and as you mentionned, overral terminology which are often kept intact and not localized (you wouldn’t have wanted them to call Mako