
Fillers were alright in Chronicle 2 but it kind of sucked that it was 90% of the game in the Torna the golden country expension and that you were forced to do them to even progress in the main story. I droped the game because I couldn’t find enough side quests. How stupid is that?

And the accessibility features deffinitely coulnd’t be patched in the PS4 version. Another whole 70-90$ (the thing is probably 90$ in Canada just because) “remake” was required. Sometimes, it just feels like companies go for what the metrics say will sell instead of coming up with new franchises.

Why would Frieza even need a sexual orientation? I always saw the guy as a very narcissistic person who only cares about himself and be willing to destroy an entire planet just to show his dominance. Does a guy like that even wants to fuck? He doesn’t even have a dick. For all we know, his specie could reproduce by

My biggest concern with self drive vehicle is if there is an accident (because they will happen), who is at fault? Is it the driver (there is none), the owner (who might not even be on board) or the manufacturer? Could someone without a license or a minor operate a self drive car?

Banning abortion promotes gay porn. Now that is peak conservative values.

Discord should actually add a forum feature to their app.

Seriously, this is like the whole 1080p vs 4k war. I think everyone noticed the slight difference but what is the point of wasting all that dev time and money just to make a “Guess the 10 differences game”?

I find it funny how the reviews are 80% of people amazed at how they can waste their time and the other 20% disgusted at how they can waste their time. The Simpsons truely were on to something.

Where I live, at 18, you are still on a probation license. Getting a speed ticket for 112 mph in a 50 mph zone gets you to lose your license. Maybe letting a new driver drive a sport car is not the greatest idea. Putting artificial limiters on cars is a crappy solution.

Unless I’m missing something, it was pretty clear from the beginning that you needed the PS5 version of the remake to buy/play Intergrade. They were providing an upgrade from the PS4 to the PS5 version of Remake if you purchased the PS4 game digitally or physically. So, if you got the PS4 version for free (from

I can attest that Ghost Story english dub is S tier anime.

It’s actually a pretty cheap way to get empty cases.

Oh, I might have read it wrong. I guess model planes and drones cause issue with plane traffic. Where I live, you simply can’t fly a drone around an airport. I don’t think OP was refering to drones spying on people.

Can you make it so that Eurobeat starts playing whenever you go over the speed limit?

Geez, who hurt you? Is it illegal to slightly deviate from the article subject in the comment section?

Model aircrafts and drones can fly. Plane can fly. Both can collide into each other...

Well, that escalated quickly.

The touch pad on the PS4/5 controller is situated in a really dumb place. In comparison, the Steam controller was great for first person shooters or any games where you’d typically use a mouse. A second joystick as well would have been nice on that controller though.

It now looks like an F-Zero track.

I was wondering the same thing lol. It’s a pretty neat case design but slightly wider than a normal mid tower.