
We’ve added the revolutionary “Naive Angel Mode” to Bayonetta 3 so more people can fully enjoy it

Imagine living in a first world country where companies are expected to provide healthcare for their employees because the middle class can’t even afford it.

Those vinyl wrap are temporary though, they don’t last very long. I think it’s just a very bad habbit of car manufacturer to always pick the most boring colors and for customers to keep buying them.

It doesn’t matter if it was well made or not, you still made the same game three time accross 3 console generations. Don’t you want to make new game instead of pulling a George Lucas.

It’s a cycle, it happened in the past. The GTX770 I bought back then used around 300 watts and the GTX1070 I got about 3 years later used 150 watts. But yeah, if the rumors are true, the 4090 will be using up to 600 watts, which is pretty fucking high.

When paying 60k$ or more, I expect real paint.

High occupancy vehicles should have a high occupancy, like a bus with dozens of people. A car with 2-4 people does not sound like a high occupancy to me. Even taxis and Ubers don’t belong in that lane.

There is a difference between “play testing” and “early access”. They usualy pay you to play test only because they want you to shut your trap. It isn’t a real job as you’ll only come in for a day to play a game maybe once or twice a year. As for early access, crowfunding (or Founders Action Pass), well, you’re just

I guess it is now as morally correct to pirate Ubi Soft games as it is to pirate Ninendo games. Seriously guys, keep buying physical. This bullshit is never going away.

If my car was suseptible to be started by a stranger as easily as that, I would like to know.

The controls are made to feel like a real skate. If you know how to do the trick for real, it kind of feel instinctive. IMO, it makes the tricks a bit more rewarding to pull off. But yeah, I guess how one would like to play the game with THPS style controls.

Considering that is the fine to make a joke on the internet about some popular figure, I’d say it is pretty high. But if we’re talking about bad journalism that has a far reach to people who can’t be bothered to make a simple google search, it’d say it is indeed pretty low.

Well, having played about an hour, I can attest that the combat mechanic by itself is pretty good. But Diablo Immortal simply isn’t a Diablo game. All it has are the 3D models and animation that look like Diablo 3. It lacks the randomized levels and is ridiculously linear in both level design and item progression. And

I was wondering as well. That 3 billions bailout would have been pointless.

One could easily think that the 2nd tweet was even planned in advance. Whether you are offended or not, the development of this kind of story is always entertaining.

The concept of the Battle pass is a scam in general. Paying to motivate yourself to play at least a specific amount of time in a month to receive your reward is not my idea of fun. It’s a pretty backward way of selling thing. A subscription isn’t much better but at least, you are paying for access to the game which

Wasn’t Kanye West a singer at first?

You can accomplish this by sitting a healthy distance away from the screen and reducing your total FOV.

And according to the article, streaming games is still shit even on god tier internet.

And later model of the PS3 were emulating the PS2 in software. Also, I wouldn’t be surprized if the PS3 on PSNow are emulated instead of running on real hardware. It’s not like they don’t have any experience in emulating their consoles. They just decided that they needed to make more releases of The last of us than