I have been holding my breath for so long now that I have gained a new super power.
I have been holding my breath for so long now that I have gained a new super power.
Most modern consoles make the need to log your games obsolete because they already track what you play and when
It doesn’t look dramatic at all. The kid got off the bike, was on a single foot and lost its footing, slid and fell. I mean, people fall this way on their own trying to get off their bike, you’d fall the same way if someone pushed you.
Please don’t let Hollywood anywhere near this movie.
Quantic Lab upper management allegedly instituted a “bug quota” policy that required each individual tester to submit no less than 10 bugs per day.
Pretty much. Anyone who went to CEGEP or did a driving exam would agree.
You’d be surprized at how many of them there are. We just don’t really have a meme sentence like “Speak ‘murican”.
Who says every Québécois care about Québec culture? What are we protecting here? The hundreds of humorists making shitty TV shows?
If you want a good example of systemic racism, you have a good one right here. It’s almost as bad as those Americans who wants to build a wall. The way so many people are scared to death by the English language is insane. This is one of the main reason I would vote against the Québec separation. This kind of bullshit…
This game barely feel like a Diablo game: No random level generation, zero synergy between skills (you just press whatever button is off cooldown) and the quest design is so static and linear that you see other players fighting invisible enemies. Ho and apparently, players need footsteps trails on the ground to know…
This is what most streamers/youtubers do. They spend some money on stupid shit so you don’t have to. It’s called entertainment. It’s just sad when you think that people out there spend that kind of money for actual fun.
You might be incline to blame the guy for stealing money but this is what predatory microtransactions do.
Guillemot was entitled to 53.1% of this “fixed compensation” for fiscal year 2021 but will instead take home only €624,824 (or around $657,000 USD). Here’s hoping he can survive on that pittance.
Why do people still buy black/white/grey car? I guess there are a lot of people who prefer raining days.
Divorce, bills and tax issues.
Heh, it was worth the ~20$ for the 3-4 hours I’ve spent on it back then but yeah, you got bored quickly after you’ve done very level a couple of times.
Stupid game is still 86$ in Canada. I swear, that thing will never get a discount.
Stupid game is still 86$ in Canada. I swear, that thing will never get a discount.
Make the friends play in the cheater server as well while they are grouped with the cheater. That way, they’ll soon notice how it sucks to play with the cheater friend.
Yeah, you even have flying taxis in cutscenes. Dunno how much more work would it have been to make all of the city look good from the air. It was either a gameplay choice or performance choice for gen 8 consoles.
The car didn’t crash into a concrete wall at 140 mph. It went off the road at 140 mph and did a multiple rolls.