
Nice work! I like your thoughts. I agree that it makes sense to have a module that gets built in space, and stays in space forever. The ISS is s template we could build from. Just shove it back and forth between Earth and Mars, use smaller shuttles to get us to the surfaces. I immediately thought of a large

I thought the same thing as I was reading the article. Trump has to pick on somebody, and he’s decided to pick on Ford. Facts be damned!!!! Ford is bad! Mexico is bad! Ford IN Mexico is Super Bad!

The Model 3 speed indicator is closer to line of site than some petrol cars. Namely I’m thinking about most Minis, Yaris, etc that have their gauges in the very center of the car and fairly low. I believe the “cryptic 6" on the OP pic is actually the speed at the very top left of the screen. Exactly where they showed

Why are you so set on telling somebody else that they don’t know what they want? If you want a BMW, go right ahead and get one. Obviously Sneegor doesn’t want a BMW and wants a Tesla instead.

Probably because it was broken. It always hung up my game, and I know I’m not alone. From what others have said (when it didn’t crash their game) I don’t think it actually saved much battery either. Hoping they bring it back when they can get it to be reliable and save a decent amount of energy.

I don’t get why so many are so pissed about the foot steps going away. They served NO purpose whatsoever. The Nearby list is still in order, the top left is still the closest to your current location, the bottom right is the farthest. You still have to watch the movement of the pokemon in the list to determine

SpaceBus is cool and all, but my vote is for BangBus.

Neutral: Will Small Cars Ever Make A Comeback?

I count 6, possibly 7, separate sightings in this video.

One would need to know what track to call in order to call said track.

I can see no proof of this supposed SEC investigation. Neither here on Jalopnik, or in the original WSJ article. I would like to know where this “news” is coming from. When Tesla isn’t aware of it, and the SEC hasn’t released a public statement, just where is this information coming from?

I’m not an expert by any means, but I think there are a few much larger problems than a potential lack of oil pressure here.

Why even bother with something like this? The return to center is stupid. The pause before Park is stupid. Park should be the easiest thing to get it into. Either have a real sliding shifter with good tactile feedback for each mode, or go to simple buttons.

I’ll have to go back to the Model 3 reveal, but I’m sure it was pretty clear that all Model 3's would be Supercharger CAPABLE. Just like it has all of the hardware for autopilot, but doesn’t come standard with autopilot enabled. It’s hard to remember, but early Model S’s were not all Supercharger enabled. There was an

Do you think any business would be successful if it focused on just one product at a time?

Your last paragraph is exactly what Tesla’s Master Plan is all about. Build cars in the luxury segment with relatively high margins in order to dump that gross profit into R&D of other vehicles and company growth.

I like that! Simple. It’s a nod to Amazon while giving a not-so-subtle middle finger to the BBC. I think it would get past the lawyers too!

I’m as excited about the Model 3 as anyone, and I’m one of the Kool-Aid drinking Sheep that has a reservation. However, I want my car sites back! Jalop and most of the others are on a full Tesla takeover. Jalop seems to be the worst though....

Exact wording was carefully chosen, and now I can’t find what that was. However, it was more along the lines of “The interior is representative of our design intent.” Saying that it has the design “ideas” that they are going to implement, but not saying that it’s close to production.

I don’t think it’s really rushed, just different scenario than we are used to seeing. Rarely does the public see a legit running prototype of a car 1.5 years before production. This is probably as far along as a car typically is this far out. They do still have a lot of work to do, but seems they have a pretty clear