Fostering kittens for my sins

Banning people based on their gender identity, race, ethnicity, national origin, body type, or position on abortion, are all categorically despicable. Banning people for fundraising or soliciting money (whatever the cause,) or for trying to buy drugs, is (imho) fine for a dating app. It’s not that I have a moral issue

I think you’re doing people a disservice by including examples of people banned for being trans or fat, with cases of people banned for trying to use a dating app to score drugs.

And let’s see if I’ve got this straight... the “freelance salesman”   had bought the car from them and fallen behind on his payments... but they hadn’t repossessed the car from him? And then when he sold the car (which wasn’t his to sell), they repossessed it from the buyer?

I don’t know how this man has spent so long in labor relations and somehow has never picked up at all on what all Black people find they need to do just to survive out here.

I have no doubt she had a meager upbringing. By her own account, it was a story of deprivation with no phone, water, or electricity in the abandoned gas station her family lived in. The problem is that it is HER story. Her mother and step-father have filed documents in court showing they paid the phone, water, and

Those who make polite confrontation impossible make impolite confrontation inevitable.

Considering she was anything but ruling class before taking office. She literally used her not being part of it to get elected and then quickly abandoned it those ideals as soon as she plopped her ass in the seat (which is more than likely sporting at least a couple of Big Pharmas names on each cheek because…..well

Can’t get the image to post! Whatever, it’s a tweet from Anthony Burch:
“they said “don’t punch nazis” but I haven’t heard word one from Richard Spencer since he got coldcocked
they said “be civil” but Scott Pruitt resigned because people were mean to him
be mean to mean people. do them dirty in front of they dad”

She really is the worst.  I’ll never forget or forgive her for that thumbs down on a minimum wage increase. She did it so glibly.  Maybe she thought she was invoking the ghost of McCain, but he did it to stop a bad tax cut.  

It’s very important that when we protest the actions of the wealthy elite ruling class that we do it in a way in which they always feel safe, secure, and comfy. Can’t have them shaken up or slightly inconvenienced in any way, that would be gauche.

I will never not be amused by the guys who inevitably respond to this story with “hey frats help a lot of people with fundraisers and shit!”, as if that offsets or justifies all the harm they do. Like when all the Catholics came to the Church’s defense by saying “yes they turned a blind eye to centuries of

I wrote an article much like this one for the student newspaper where I went to school.

Society decides who is unworthy, then works backwards. The injustice is programmed into every step of your life from then on. White Christian women vote to criminalize pregnant women, because they know they don’t fit the class and race profile. White Christian men are engineering this for patriarchy giggles, but also

So, no deficit financing and only the ultra wealthy could afford to run for Federal office. Buh-bye Squad and all Squad policies!

Are you seriously claiming to be the purveyor of meaning for the Jewish people? Isn’t that some colonial shit, habibi? Are you not aware that a central tenet of Judaism, a nearly 4,000 year old religion, is the land of Israel? My ancestors, in diaspora for generations, slept with soil from the land of Israel under

Shalom, asshole. Keep calling the person you’re responding to habibi. It makes your point very compelling.

You are diminishing Arab lives and Arab history. Wherever Judaism may have begun, by and large the Zionists who sought to create a Jewish state in what was then Mandatory Palestine were not from there in any meaningful sense of the word. They migrated to land that was already occupied by real, living human beings,

It’s not great that she voted “present” instead of taking a stand, and it’s not great that she apparently did so for cynical political reasons (also, in the end, it’s not going to stop the criticism, it’s just a matter of changing the attack ad copy from “AOC voted ‘No’ on protecting Israeli lives” to “AOC refused to

As youtuber Beau put it, if you are poor and say we should tax the rich, then become rich and say we should tax the rich, that isn’t hypocrisy. That’s ideological integrity.

The dress is a red herring. The hypocrisy is in spending the night playing grab-ass with millionaire celebs, thinking a photo-op dress exempts her from criticism.