Fostering kittens for my sins

Black people being turned away from vaccine drives because white people put on bronzer, braid wigs and backwards baseball caps to jump ahead in line to get vaxxed in black neighborhoods

Don’t forget the Dixie Chicks speaking out and being slammed down for it.  Bittersweet they were proven correct in the long run.

I felt so incredibly alone in the aftermath of 9/11. It seemed like everybody I knew: friends, family, colleagues, had gone completely insane. “They attacked us,” they’d say, and demand vengeance in the form of terrorizing innocent Middle Eastern citizens. It turns out that we immediately attacked countries that

white people put on bronzer, braid wigs and backwards baseball caps to jump ahead in line to get vaxxed in black neighborhoods

Oh I’m aware. I just don’t like when idiots get unintentional validation. 

To someone who is anti vax, at this point, nothing is going to sound good to them. They booed trump at the mere suggestion that maybe they could use their freedom to possibly think that getting vaccinated isn’t the worst idea. They can all get bent at this point.

The real prank are the 20,000 untested rape kits sitting in evidence lockers here in Texas.

And Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them”

Ha, oh man, if Joe Manchin won’t support overturning the filibuster for legislation which would support the white, male residents of his state then I’m not gonna look expectantly at him to do it for legislation that supports women.

I didn’t say nothing—I said as little as possible. And I stand by that. He didn’t decide on his own to exit Afghanistan, he was forced to do it by Trump signing an agreement with the Taliban in 2020 that we would exit as part of peace negotiations. He will do what he is forced to do, which is why we should be forcing

Biden is overwhelmingly, aggressively committed to doing as little as possible as president. I wonder if he’s just worried about his legacy and doesn’t want to be seen as The President Who Overreached?

Fair point, and it’s of course a theoretical debate at this point, but I don’t know if I’d rely on Nazi largesse in this case, especially since they used the phrase “burden to society” pretty often.

He had his feet up on dashboard, so he probably contributed to his injuries. Oh and mediocre is giving him too much credit.

He’s Republican. Those ideas were about OTHER people with disabilities. Not Madison. He’s special. 

You’re 100% right. This fair coverage, both sides ideal doesn’t work when the GQP is spewing this insane, violent rhetoric. The news media wants to treat this statement with exactly the same gravity as the democrats passing a minor partisan bill.

Remember this, add it to the pile of all the insane, pro-violence shit Republicans routinely say without any consequence whatsoever from their leadership or their voters, and pull it out whenever Democrats pass, like, a small expansion of some tax credit for poor people or something through reconciliation on a party

I dunno if this will be seen, but it’s a website for that new batshit abortion bounty law here in Texas. I’ve been spamming it already, but I’m only one man. Let’s fuck their shit up

He lives in West Hollywood and likes the area, he has the opportunity to buy a small house in the area - if you think that house is a mansion I don’t know what to tell you, get new eyes? He does not dictate the over-inflated pricing in the area. He has friends and family in LA, being in LA is good for his career. So

But mostly it’s an old and boring routine that makes me want to gouge my eyes out.

No there are 3 groups:

- normal people who think it’s nice he was able to buy a house in the city he lives in and understand how much money he makes because it’s been transparent the whole time.

- always online parasocial leftist weirdos who feel like they can dictate how and where he lives his life (he doesn’t know who