Fostering kittens for my sins

I understand what you’re saying, but the alternative is these corporations that are by and large worse than your average landlord. My landlords are just a husband and wife. They rent out their family home after they downsized. I owned a home and it was a nightmare that I’m not ready to repeat just yet. My landlords

1/3 of all single family homes bought in the 1st quarter of 2021 were purchased by institutional investors.

The problem with the eviction moratorium is that it’s a band aid solution that doesn’t address the entire rental property ecosystem.

That’s all we need. Another moron doing political kabuki for the masses of knuckle draggers and hoovering up their money through some half assed PAC.

Sure. Good. Great. I mean why the fuck not? At this point she’d be the intellectual and moral touchstone of the GOP.

Biden was never the man for this moment. But more COVID-45 always would have been worse.

I fixed him. Remember folks, the one on the left is the original!

Trump didn’t radicalize anything. He waddled into a reactionary environment ripe for the taking. The FBI has always been a shitty organization. Research their surveillance and harassment of MLK. Nothing has changed. 

It was patently obvious when he was nominated why Carrotface von Golfcart nominated this idiot and everybody knew it. It’s just that the Republicans in the Senate were to afraid of being primaried by one of His Orangeness’s legion of followers that got him confirmed. His performance and lack of professional demeanor

I mean I think a lot of it has to do with the last year and a half and yet like.. the idea that after all that, nothing fucking changed at all. the hamburglar walks free, there is no healthcare changes, no basic income, and a dubious-at-best change for working at-home. Not even an increase in minimum wage.

I still have room for sympathy for people with jobs where they can’t miss a day of work to take the vaccine or recover from it, because they won’t be able to pay their bills or they will lose their jobs altogether. This crisis was economic, too, and those people had the most vulnerable economic situation before and

Not only that but many of them are still harassing the surviving parents with their disaster actor conspiracies. Because losing their kids in such a horrific way wasn’t terrible enough. 

Cheers, Help get this spread

A lot of people seem to be finding their consciences now that the horses have been out of the barn and marauding around for 4+ years.

Um, I just wanted to write about dogs, man.

Pretty sure their only training is Law & Order reruns.

Someone on Twitter posted a video of Ted Cruz in 2016 explaining why he couldn’t endorse Trump, despite his pledge to support the Republican nominee during the primary season. Towards the end of his speech he said “I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father”.

They all bend the knee and kiss trumps ring. All of them.

It’s kind of funny how the males of the GQP like to promote themselves as these strong, alpha types who must control women. Yet the way they all cave to the biggest manbaby of all only shows their weakness and lack of balls.