Fostering kittens for my sins

You’re allowed to criticize Biden. And we’re allowed to call you an edgelord who forgets how things were just six short months ago.

It has been proven over and over that Americans don’t respond to reason and logic. They respond to folksy, corny bullshit. Biden knows his audience.

Now playing

I am hugging a cornfield right now! I’m all for corn over terrorism, lies and sedition. I’m goin’ full Teddy Bear!

Wow, that is a spectacularly low fucking bar. Especially in regards to someone who presided over the most hostile Senate in decades yet still seems to think “unity” and reaching across the aisle is possible when half that senate clearly has no regard for reality

Corny and hokey is so much better than nasty and petty though, as those were the options.

You know, I am 100% supportive of the President in his attempts to get even the dumbass Republicans who think of this as a Fox News Culture War They Must Win to get themselves vaccinated. Joe Biden is so much better than Voldemort that I’m willing to support anything he wants to do. He’s intelligent, knows how the

I mean, it was going to fail when you note that a huge chunk of republicans aren’t going to get vaccinated unless we hid it in a slice of cheese

One of the benefits of originalism. The people whose will you’re upholding have been dead for 200 years, so you can divine their wishes as you wish. It’s all a little Joseph Smith.

The conservatives justices are just making up the laws as they go.

Not that it’s not great that this bloodthirsty pig is finally dead, but it would be amazing if just once a single one of these fucks faced justice while they were still alive. Didn’t happen with him, not gonna happen with Kissinger or anyone like them — just decades and decades of perpetrating horrors and

Hey keep the dancefloor clean, thankyouverymuch.

Aside from their innocent civilians, we needlessly lost a lot of our soldiers (aside from the ones permanently maimed) to Bush’s middle east folly. And none of our ‘freedums’ were protected.

It’s been a constant puzzle. Why do so many people feel loyalty to this absolute trash person? I get that he validates the bigotry and racism of the lumpen. I’m talking more about the people who work for him. He’s shown over and over that he will turn on anyone if that’s what it takes to get his way. Does he really

The response on his Twitter feed are hilarious! Not one supporting comment.

He looks like someone who is about to unironically lecture you about the value of meritocracy.

Well, if he had died, I’m pretty sure Mike Pence wouldn’t have been calling for attacks on Mike Pence.

Such a huge fucking bummer that it (probably) wasn’t one of the new and deadlier variants, like Delta. It probably would have killed off at least one, if not all, of that bunch of scum. And too bad that none of them refused treatment, such as how they wanted general population to refuse it. They all deserved a nasty,

I don’t know why people keep hoping sociopathic old assholes are going to get some moment of awareness and start being nice people just like that

You had one job, Covid!

I’d be shocked if the Biden administration did anything more here. The early indications, on a variety of issues, seems to be that they are more than willing to abet many of Trump’s actions that sought to expand the authority of the president and shield the executive branch from accountability, even the most egregious