Fostering kittens for my sins

The voting rights act has a clause about limiting PAC money.

Do we really want to live in an America where one party can dictate and demand everything and anything it wants, whenever it wants?

Why not both?

The dog is there as an example and a palate cleanser.

I don’t think they even care about the fetus or the uterus. They care about the political and financial control it gives them and that’s it. These cowards just found an issue that gets voters frothy and will continue to hump it until it doesn’t.

I’d be happy to see Selective Service registration abolished just so MRAs would lose a talking point.

Sure but that would require an act of Congress, which we know is about half full of morons. Using the courts to make it about useless is as probably good as it will get for now.

There is an argument to be made that an active draft would discourage imperialist actions by the Executive Branch.

The point of the lawsuit isn’t really to draft women; it’s to get rid of mandatory Selective Service registration altogether on the grounds that it’s discriminatory.

I’m willing to bet that “Yeah I fucking did it and I’d do it again.” is not the best position for her lawyer to negotiate from.

Still, Sheeley went on to say that Franklin wasn’t taking her medication because she was pregnant and she worried about how it might affect her child,

Hmm...this would be again one of these stories that would want to hear the other side too.
As someone who worked nightshifts I had my fair share of neigbours who literally screamed in their phone outside and not giving a f*** about the plea to maybe lower the voice a bit.
I was in the lucky position having a big house

we tend to have a fair amount of bass in our voices compared to our white counterparts and that shit tends to carry.

I hate to say it, but it worked for the Bundy clan when they seized a federal building to protest their father’s imprisonment for justified and proven crimes. It’s not like the Feds have been all that hard on the White Right since the Branch Davidians.

Your group sounds like the dicks in that situation. So you made some poor chefs begin 16 orders and then walked out because you couldn’t stop yelling inside when asked?

lol did you dismiss all the replies rightfully calling you and your family assholes?

I read this earlier. Total abuse of authority on the cops who issued the citation. Noise/nuisance ordinances almost always pertain to car stereos, loud music, or in the case of a department dwelling, loud arguing neighbors. I could not tell if the officers heard her or took the word of the white woman. Unless Michigan

As a Fort Lauderdale resident I’m not surprised in the least, and I’m not just commenting on the locals. People come to South Florida for the sole and express purpose of getting wasted and acting like idiots.

I’m wondering if this is related to the rise of extra-shitty restaurant customers. Most reasonable people cut back on eating out and flying, so the people who are left are disproportionately terrible.

It’s right wingers losing their damn minds. Being a conservative in 2021 means you are proud to be a jerk, proud to be a liar and you are always the victim in any altercation because freedumb.