Fostering kittens for my sins

Your first sentence is very much not accurate. I work in mental health, I have clients who are going through manic episodes or serious bouts of paranoia acknowledge that what they’re doing or saying “sounds insane” or could result in their hospitalization. Having some insight into your own mental health doesn’t mean

As an adult, I can't really argue with his premise.

He’s a proven danger to others and needs to be held in custody until his psychiatric assessment is complete.

there’s a line?

So many thoughts and questions: Why is a state representative substitute teaching? Why isn’t this being considered a felony assault on a minor? Also, the way he’s following around touching that one male student, I’d put money on him having ‘sinful thoughts’ about members of his own sex. What a fucking clown.

Why are there not serious consequences for lying on reports submitted? If we lied on official document submitted, we would be prosecuted. It seems that the police can lie, change the lie, lie again, and be no consequences for those actions, let alone the abhorrent actions by these officers of the law.

They also forget that the vaccine card gets you treated more nicely, while that wasn’t the case with the stars.

Her fellow fascists might tsk tsk her for continuing to be a shrieking nutjob but would they support throwing her stupid bigoted ass out of the House? Gonna guess no. So they can take their wagging fingers and insert them deeply into their own asses.

I’m just here to offer a regular reminder that just because a virus is survivable, doesn’t mean it isn’t still bad. I survived my two weeks with COVID fine, but a year of ever increasing medical problems that are all related to the infection are what is causing the real damage. Damage to my life, my physical health,

Some employers are literally having vans go to factories and vaccinate people, which is a smart move.

Johnson 2 Johnson 

One would think the police would have identified themselves.  She might not have come out even then; anyone can say they’re the police, but not identifying themselves as police is a BIG hole when they’re looking for terrified people.

The weird thing is Trump is objectively uncharismatic. His speeches are boring, rambling, incoherent whine-fests spat out by a child with a limited vocabulary and no talent for creative analogies or wordplay. His writing is that of a borderline illiterate spoiled child throwing a tantrum. He even looks ridiculous.


I didn’t leave America because of the horrific healthcare system, but it’s one of the major reasons I would never move back.

So this guy raped a minor and is being supported by the group that thinks the democratic party is run by secret pedophiles that must be stopped?

The whole system is irredeemably corrupt.

As you point out, that is how the insurance industry works. They will try to avoid paying out claims at all costs. They are fully aware that it is extremely stressful and time consuming to get reimbursement and know that a good percentage of clients will just give up at some point. 

No. The point of research is to expand knowledge. That doesn’t always mean discovering things. Oftentimes it means observing, quantifying, testing, characterizing and contextualizing. The author clearly knows nothing about academic publishing (relying on the abstract to say anything meaningful about the paper is embara

Is there another section of law that allows you to sue somebody for doing something that you’re not involved in and doesn’t effect you that I am unaware of?
Because isn’t this “I’m suing somebody for getting a haircut” and not going to stand up to any scrutiny federally? I know the Supremes are ready to end federal

Codifying a type of vigilante enforcement. So much for the rule of law.