Fostering kittens for my sins

I mean, I have a developmental disability and the R word was thrown around a lot when I was diagnosed as a kid, but I didn’t storm the capital and threaten lawmakers, so perhaps these people are just assholes. 

I have the feeling you don’t always get the best possible legal representation from a lawyer who takes GoFundMe.

I know their attorney’s are doing what they can but I’m not sure “This person is easily influenced by others to commit crimes” is the defense they think it is.

She lied in her applications, her confrimation was rushed through. They should move to revoke her confirmation.

It’s a weird thing to say you are on the side of the Palestinian people given your apparent support of Israeli actions that kill scores of Palestinian people.

More aptly it is the cops always saying quit resisting while they beat people that are handcuffed so they have an audio recording of the rationale behind beating the detained person. 

Israel has offered a two-state solution to the Palestinians multiple times in the past

I see they’re trotted out the old “Hamas HQ” chestnut. Isn’t if funny how 100% of the people IDF takes out end up being high ranking members of Hamas? Like infants even.

Yet, this attack comes only after those organizations in the building started to report that the Israelis were the aggressors in this conflict. That must just be a coincidence and not in retaliation...

This was a choice by the Israelis. They didn’t need to target the building — except they really weren’t targeting Hamas. This is the first time the media is actually giving an accurate portrayal of the conflict with Israel being the main aggressors. Just like how after a Palestinian journalist gave his accurate

I have been saying since 2010 that if the Republicans are going to call whatever the Dems do socialist they might as well go full socialist and actually do some good for the people. It’s not like the blowback from the GOP and multimillionaires/billionaires would be any different than it is when they pass non-socialist

This behavior is her brand. It will never stop because her constituents are for-sure eating this up, and (per the Constitution,) you need a 2/3 majority of the House to expel a seated member—and that 2/3 is def not happening any time soon given the fact that Democrats have recently lost seats in the House due to the

A Republican led senate will abolish the fillibuster as soon as it suits them. 

Calling AOC a “terrorist” while supporting insurrectionists and treason is RICH. If something happens to AOC...and I’m being dead serious here, arrest this troglodyte on the spot. She’s doing the exact same shit she did to a teen who survived school shooting.

13 months is bullshit. It should have been at least five years. If parole/probation is allowed in this case, he’ll probably be out in six to eight weeks. And the other douchebag didn’t get any time at all. Bullshit.

There are people in jail for longer for shoplifting a few dollars worth. You can guess the reasons for that. 

lol 13 months for him and nothing for his partner is not “lengthy.” 

You can’t. There are people who run scams to make money because that’s how they eat, and then there are people who run scams because they think it’s funny. The latter are, if not sociopaths, unredeemable.

They also stopped the adoption of an actual human child because they wouldn’t be able to monetize it for a year. Not much of a stretch to imagine them putting a dog down because it was no longer convenient.