Fostering kittens for my sins

It’s almost as if pregnancy isn’t even the real issue...

Reliable birth control is so important and should be available for free for anyone who wants it. It seems like something conservatives should agree with, since effective birth control also prevents abortions, but they don’t often find that convincing.

Children of presidents get SS protection for 10 years after their parents term. There is not an age limit for the children.

That is exactly why I wasn’t objecting to these folks pointing at Faux as the reason for their insurrection insanity. Examine the danger with that misinformation brainwashing. Bring more light to it!

I love that their defence amounts to “Faux News is dangerous propaganda.”

A huge percentage of their supporters are evangelicals, whose religion is performative christianity. It’s what they know.

This is not great advice, and I’m confused as to why you gave it, and if it was based on research, personal experience, or your assumptions.

Their goal is far beyond banning abortion in red states or even beyond banning it in blue states — they want to criminalize it nationwide and move onto birth control next. They want El Salvadorian style laws where women can be jailed for miscarriages.

if the renter is active duty go to his base’s commanding officer. They’ll sort that out quick

Once the right-wing/Christian Taliban/Ya’ll Qaeda have completely managed to restrict a woman’s right to control her body, they will move on to try to control more aspects of our lives. If we did not have the first amendment, there would be very little to distinguish the United States from the repressive, religious

I guess I am an “evil landlord”. My company transferred me to a location where housing costs are insane, I could never buy a house I would want to live in. I did have a house in Old Location (a rural area in Washington State) which was about 2/3 paid off. It’s near a military base and so tenants are mostly military. I

Most of the Texans in the state government don’t care if abortions are banned in red states because they can afford to send their daughters and mistresses to blue states such as California and New York. These politicians will stop at banning it in red states for that reason and will never pass a constitutional

A Washington D.C. U.S. District Judge named Dabney Friedrich—by parents who must have known he would grow up to act like a Victorian villain

My mortgage company allowed me to not pay my mortgage for up to one year (requested and approved in four three-month increments). Which is great because I own one home and it is rented to a tenant. I use her rent to pay my mortgage. As of July 1, everyone has to play catch up and if that means I have to evict her,

Back in the late 1990s, books by “Great Men”, defined as people who headed companies that made a lot of money, and they were ALL men, were thick on the ground. Every company that did well had a man in charge who thought his company did well because HE was in charge, and so his words were all people needed to become

The idea of “driving progress” and “giving back” seem as if they can co-exist, but when the progress comes on the terms of the wealthiest men in history, like Gates, we have to assume that progress benefits the wealthy more than anyone else.”

THAT’S IT. Thank you for putting it this way; I am unendingly frustrated by

The whole “quick, use this actual terrible crime to whip up anti-BLM sentiment” is so gross! What they actually did was horrible! They stole and terrorized living things, and they shot a guy who almost died and is permanently maimed! They planned it in advance!

Stifling of innovation through overpriced licensing of crappy bloatware, gouging public schools through same, investing in for-profit charterized privatisation of schools, pushing nuclear long past its “sell by" date...

If I recall, he recounted the story as if it was kind of a funny anecdote.

Of course everyone hates him. He looks like the kinda guy that when he was in school would remind the teacher they forgot to assign homework, then smugly go home and have his butler do it for him.