Fostering kittens for my sins

How else are you gonna keep the schools full of targets for all those guns?

I agree, this doesn’t seem to be on the same level as Toobin. I am BEYOND FUCKING SICK of zoom and of work from home. My work has a strong preference for cameras on during all calls, and I drew a line eventually that my home is my private space, and I will use my camera when I damn well wish (usually for special

The Venn Diagram of Zoom meetings that could have been a conference call and should have been an e-mail is basically a circle, in my experience.

It’s a weird scenario, but I can’t get past the fact that even when he thought he had his virtual background on and a....mesh shirt (?) he still chose to be on camera while in a bathtub during a work meeting. Like turn your camera off, dude! It will be fine.

This one seems a little lower-stakes than others. Bathtub is a weird choice, but if he was truly in pain and that’s what relieves it, then I get it. 90% of us would choose to power through the pain when working, but that’s just a reflection on unrealistic standards for productivity when working at home. But this isn’t

Republicans be like: “Women of the United States, behold your fate!”

I’m curious as to whether the primary tear gas agent causing this is OC derivatives, or CX derivatives. It doesn’t look like it specifies in the study.

I’ve seen his list of advertisers, I’m already boycotting them all by complete accident. Unless you’re a regular at the Ark Experience lol

Call the police immediately, contact child protective services. Keep calling until someone arrives. What you’re looking at is abuse, it’s child abuse and you are morally obligated to attempt to prevent it.

if Biden is truly interested in uniting the country (which to be honest after 4 years of being told to fuck my feelings from a bunch of screeching apes who unironically think they’re smarter and better than me, I am pretty ambivalent about), he should ask Congress to investigate these conspiracy theorist rabbit holes

How do they determine the value of that asset in terms of an embezzlement charge? The cost of the cassette itself, or the potential value of renting it for the life of the cassette?

Most likely just B. Companies violate labor laws of some kind every single minute of the day.

Most likely a combination of B and C, to be honest.  Lots of employers routinely violate federal law on these things, whether through ignorance, maliciousness, or simply poor process.

Prior to 2001, Oklahoma’s threshold for felony larceny was only $50.

prosecutorial discretion fail. prosecutors are almost universally complete fucking assholes. in this case, they are champion dicks. fuck them all.

This story would be just a fun aside if:

I mean I get enforcing late fees on your product, but who fucking escalates a case of a never-retuned vhs tape rental THAT much?! If I was an owner of a rental place and realized X person rented Z movie 10 years ago and never returned it, I’d just write it off, delete the record and go about my life. But at some point

“Embezzlement” seems like an odd charge for failing to return a rented videotape. And I have a hard time understanding why it would be a felony for a tape that would have been worth $60 at most. That’s just weird.