Fostering kittens for my sins

That would involve touching. You need something more like a lifelike rubber trout on the end of someone else’s ten-foot pole.

As a veteran of the Mesopotamian Unpleasantness, I’d just like to state that you were entirely right.


And for those that hate California on general principles, 21 US States have a smaller population than Puerto Rico, which of course has no representation whatsoever. America has a serious Rotten Borough problem.


Spoken like a man who never left home.

Ezekiel 23:20, at a guess.

Meh. Current tenant’s gonna try to swipe it, along with anything else not nailed down and, for some inexplicable reason, all of the light switch covers.

I am brain damaged, in a very real and literal “had to learn how to talk again” sort of way. While this has reduced my emotional control, I would not consider it a pass for casual violence.  Even if it was a valid legal defense for casual violence, it would mean that I should be kept under controlled conditions

The only people that gain from a lack of good order and discipline amongst the police are disorderly, undisciplined police officers. It boggles the mind that anyone would desire trigger-happy cowboys set loose upon the community to do as they like and compel whatever they wish upon pain of summary execution.

“Finger.” You are a better person than I am and we will go with that.

Dude.  We’re literally two clicks from your entire comment history.  It’s not hard to see that you have access to absolutely amazing personal lubricant.

A lot of the ammosexual nonsense isn’t really about self defense, or a martial tradition, or armed rebellion against tax collectors. It’s something far more American: conspicuous consumption. That rifle is mostly after-market parts for the sole purpose of showing off to her fellow morons.  It’s a street rod for the

I think my gym needs some sort of climbing tree.

I was, in a former life, a Taser instructor for Uncle Sam. The officer was using a textbook (albeit, as you mentioned, entirely unjustified) drive stun technique to the small of the subject’s back. Except for the bit where proper technique involves the use of a stun gun and not a real gun. The manslaughter conviction

My understanding of blow is that it pretty much ends up owning a lot of people.

You misunderstand. Goldman pays her obscene amounts of cash to be married to a man who votes on things like bank bailouts.

The same kind they’ve always had: sponsored by Goldman Sachs.

QAnon is just the same old Illuminati trope with a bit of Satanic Panic child sacrifice thrown in for flavor. It’s not even *good* nonsense so much as embarrassing conspiracy theory fan-fic. There’s nothing to get.  Rational thought simply is not necessary for a large percentage of the population to go about their